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Kansas City, Missouri

 A toddler watched a group of sparrows picking at crumbs. She took in the new sights and smells: the wind that carried the smell of rain, the dark brown logs topped with green leaves, the bees buzzing. She was with her mother, eating a bagel outside in a cafe.

The sparrows had suddenly scattered and flown away, calling their sweet tweet as they went.

She sensed it before it came: a sudden cold blast of air coming from the north. Everyone eating outside gasped in alarm as paper napkins and plates blew away. The toddler's bagel was swept away.

She cried, because her mother seemed alarmed by the sudden change of temperature, and because she didn't know what was happening. 

"My goodness! It's May, and we're still getting cold air. This is not normal..." 

The toddler's mother looked around with a worried expression on her face. She picked up her child and walked towards the car. A sudden jolt made her look around. Nothing seemed to change.

"Maybe it was just me," the mother mumbled to herself.

Whimpering, the toddler sat in her car seat as the mother buckled her and shut the door. She walked around the car to get in.

However, the mother never made it to the front seat.

Later that day

The news was on, talking about the latest political news. Then, a story came up.

"A woman by the name of Elena was found dead near Panera Bread next to her car. The cause for her death is uncertain, but there is a chance of it being from dramatic hypothermia or frostbite. A child was found frozen to death in the car. If you have any information about this case or the temperature change, please call our hotline or visit us at I'm Megan Dillard, Fox 4 News."

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