2 • Impossible Things

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Aryana was now twelve years of age and had still not been adopted, let alone glanced at by a caring family looking to adopt. The years had flown by since the day her father died. She still remembered the memory in vivid detail in the back of her mind where it had resided over the past few years, only coming out at night to keep her awake. She would cry in her small room upstairs when she wasn't being watched. The thoughts of her mother haunted her everyday and poor Aryana couldn't get rid of the haunting memories of what once was her family. She was broken on the inside and she feared she would never recover. She knew she would never be loved by a caring family and would never even be looked at twice by the future caretakers who only wanted the smallest of the children in the orphanage. She had been saving up money to move out of this horrid orphanage one day and finally be independent, for if she stayed here she would eventually be kicked out onto the street due to their financial suffering. Ary was given to the orphanage at a bad time for when her mother put her into the system, they had a young girl with cancer who had to be treated. Her name was Coraline and she was currently cancer free, but when Aryana had first gotten there she was very ill. Coraline's family could no longer take care of her due to her illness and gave her up to the orphanage, which cost them thousands of dollars a year. Cora's treatment and plunged them deeper into debt than they had ever been. Which meant that if Aryana didn't go off onto the streets on her own, they'd kick her out. And Ary would rather be strong and go out by herself. So she had been saving up money over the years by working at a coffee shop down the street. She was very shocked that they had accepted her as one of their workers because she was so young, but they had taken pity on her due to her situation and had given her a job cleaning. Which she gladly accepted and worked with a very small wage of two dollars an hour. However, she had saved up three thousand dollars so far in case of being kicked out.
Today she was walking down the street and calmly looking around at all the glimmering lights in Times Square where her orphanage resided. She was walking to the coffeehouse she where she works, Boire Du Café. She had quite a lot of time to walk to the coffeehouse considering she woke up at 5:00 and work started at 6:00. She liked to look into the windows of fancy stores, hoping that one day she would be able to afford the beauteous things glimmering in the window. She thought to herself that maybe one day, these impossible things could happen.

Hope you liked that chapter! Hope I'm not boring you....

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