The Final Ride

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'If I could find assurance to leave you behind, I know my better half would fade, I'll follow you down'

Jax stood at Sam's headstone. Visiting everyday like he had promised the kids. This time was on his own time. He had accomplished a lot in the past 5 years the club was earning legit and he was doing fantastic with the kids. His mother helped only a short time after Sam had passed. He knelt down in front of her headstone

"I've been hesitant to tell you this babe but I did meet someone. The kids really like her. Especially Harley. She's been going through some female things and I can't deal with them. I met her at a school dance I chaperoned for Harley. Boy was she pissed I was there. Her name is Jenny she's a lot like you she gets me the same way you do, but remember Sam I'll never forget what we had and she will never be you. She knows about you a lot about you we talked about you a lot in the beginning she helped me cope a little better, ive only been seeing her for about a year. I'm ready to take the next step with her babe and I hope that's ok. Im going to ask her to move in with us. She doesn't seem to be bothered by your pictures on the walls of us or the one of you beside my alarm clock. I'll always love you Sam. I still want to your with me all the time. I'll still be here to visit everyday. I'll see you tomorrow babe, its Sunday tomorrow so I'll be bringing donuts to share with the kids" Jax said kissing her headstone

He stood up and went to his bike and drove home to his kids and girlfriend. When he walked in the door Harley was telling Jenny about the time Sam set the smoke detector off trying to cook pancakes

"Dad this came in the mail today" Harley said handing him a yellow envelope. There was no return address. He opened the envelope and Jenny stood over him while he sat down at the table. There were two envelopes one that was written in the all too familiar handwriting one said Jax and the other said to the woman who is involved with my husband. Jenny took the envelope and opened it and read it out loud

To the woman involved with my husband:
If you are reading this then Jax has brought you home to meet the kids and is involved with you and he wants it to be serious. I'll tell you now I am pleased he has found someone to help him cope with my death no matter how long its been, Jax and I have some serious history together and I hope you treat him well. Be the old lady he wants you to be. But don't be better then me. Ha-Ha Please don't let him forget me and please don't let my children forget me either. Those three were alot of work. A lot of blood sweat and tears. My greatest masterpieces. I wish you well in your life with Jax. He loves deep I'll tell you that. So please don't break his heart I did once and it hurt like hell. No matter what happens please take care of my family like they were yours.
Sam Teller.
P.s I didn't actually send these Gemma did don't start freaking out. And please clear my clothes from my dresser god knows Jackson hasn't yet.

Jenny folded the paper and put it back in the envelope "Jax I think you should read yours in private" Jenny said

"no its ok Jenny" Jax said. He never called Jenny babe. That was Sam's name for him. Jax opened his envelope and took a deep breath and began to read

If you are reading this then you have found someone to love and that's ok. I'm still here in this very house my presence will always be with you babe. I hope your showing this chick the ropes of being an old lady but don't let her be better then me. I hope your taking care of our children the way I asked. I'm sure you are or your mother would be over here kicking the door down like I asked. You don't need to visit me everyday. I know you have a life now and someone to share it with so its ok to let go Jax. Its ok to move on I'm not mad. I'm happy. I'd be mad if you were sleeping around with random females and not taking things seriously but your not. I asked your mother to send these when she felt you were getting serious with someone so she must be doing her motherly duties. I hope you love this girl babe. Love her hard. Love her like you love me. I will always be in your heart Jackson I'm never leaving. Please kiss the kids for me. I'll always love you babe. No one will ever take my place as the only Sam Teller. But its ok to love someone. I'm ok with that. Someone else needs to do your laundry besides Gemma. Love you always Babe.

Jax placed the letter on the table and stood up. "Move in with us Jenny" Jax said

He had tears in his eyes. Jenny looked at him and smiled

"ok Jax. I will. Just one thing" she said kissing him

"what is it?" Jax asked nervously

"I don't want any pictures taken down of her. I don't want you to forget her. I don't want to replace her" Jenny said

Jax looked at Jenny as she smiled Jax looked over her shoulder and swore he saw Sam leaning up against the door frame smiling with a thumbs up he looked into Jenny's eyes and smiled

"Never will I forget her. She's always in my heart there's enough room for the both of you" Jax smiled

Looking over her shoulder again to still see Sam leaning against the door frame. Kissing Jenny lightly on the lips he looked again to see she had vanished. Jenny walked away to tell the kids she was moving in with them. Hearing the cheers from the living room Jax lit a smoke and leaned against the counter. He closed his eyes as he inhaled 'Ill always follow you babe' was whispered in his ear.

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