Chapter 1

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“What’s taking so long?” Sarah yells over the wall.

I sigh, looking out over the beautiful lake. A bird flies low, grazing the mirror of water with it’s wing, creating ripples at it’s feather’s touch. The weeping willow just a few feet away has a few branches submerged below the surface, giving the small fish a home to hide in. The tall stone wall covered in thick, green vines is the only thing that keeps this paradise safe from the outside world. This is my paradise. The only place I consider safe.

I look at the girl in my reflection. The long, wavy brown hair that is silky and soft. The mixture of green, orange, silver, and blue in her eyes. The smooth tan skin showing no age, frozen in time. Her full red lips pulled into a small smile, showing a glimpse of her perfect white teeth. The girl that is my reflection only shows a soft, warm hearted girl who is innocent and benevolent. But the girl inside that reflection holds secrets she doesn’t want to bear.

“Aurora!” Sarah calls.

“I’m coming Sarah!” I reply.

“You said that 10 minutes ago!” she whines. I groan, knowing we have to go. We have school today.

I turn around, grabbing the vines and climbing over, even though I could easily jump over. Sarah doesn’t need to know that, though. She thinks I am normal, like her. I wish.

“Were you planning to just leave me here all day?” she chastises. I look at her askance.

“Sarah, it wasn’t that long. I could’ve just kept ignoring you,” I say quietly. She huffs, and we walk out of the woods, and then on the sidewalk towards the school.

“How long were you over there?”

“Just a few minutes before you came,” I lie. I’d been there all night, like almost every night. I don’t sleep.

“Are you excited?”

“For what?” I ask, faking a yawn.

“School!” she laughs.

“Why would I be excited for school?” I grumble.

“Why are you in such a bad mood today, Aurora?! You are usually so nice and cheerful. What’s your problem?” she growls, pushing me. I stumble a few feet to the side, taking a deep breath. I meet her crystal blue eyes, pasting a fake smile on my face.

“You’re right. I am sorry, Sarah. Today’s going to be awesome!” I say happily. I just have to last a few more minutes until we get to the school. Then she will go and make out with her boyfriend and all will be well.

“Does my hair look okay?” she asks, tucking a strand of her bangs behind her ear. Her blonde hair is perfectly straight, as always.

“Picture perfect!” I coos, and she smiles.

I have a bad feeling about today. I guess that’s why I am so grumpy. I feel like I know something bad is bound to happen. We get to the school and I already hear the whispers.

“New kid,” they say.

I almost groan, and I block out the sound. It was so nice over the summer, not having to block out other people’s conversations. I can hear over miles away from me if I want to, but I can ‘tune it out’. I can’t tune things out about me, though. It just sneaks under the block.

My phone rings in my backpack, and I pull it out. I look up to see Sarah already bee-lining it for Jason, her boyfriend. He is my brother, otherwise I would’ve had his head by now just for the stuff Sarah talks about. Yuck. I check the text message, sighing. The office wants to see me. I walk inside, quickly walking into the office.

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