Before the change.

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Chapter One.





Boxes boxes and more boxes. Louella let out a sigh as she brushed back her brown hair, least the curls fall into her face while she was trying to lug a full box around. That wouldn’t end well. Snapping a lid on securely Louella picked up the tote. Manoeuvring around Koda, the family’s dog who was sprawled out across the basement floor, Louella carefully began to climb up the basement stares. She was in the middle of transferring all her packed items from the house into the family’s camping trailer. As they were making the trip to Saskatchewan to drop Lou off at college the last family camping trip of the year.

As Louella set the box underneath a bed in the trailer she felt her cell phone buzz in her pocket. “I wonder who that could  be.” She thought to herself as she pulled out her phone. Smiling in surprise she saw it was from Nolan.  “Guess who’s enjoying lots of heat on a beach?” it read. Louella let out a sigh. There was nothing more than warmth and beaches that she loved. “Pffh. Your mean.” She quickly texted back before slipping her cell phone away before returning to the house for another load.

Within a few moments, after another box was packed the familiar buzz sounded. This time it was a picture message. “At least I’m not mean enough to send a picture. :P” was what it read, beneath a picture of a sunny beach. “Guys!” Louella cried in exasperation. Nolan was deliberately taunting her now it seemed. Louella and Nolan had been on a mission team that had gone to Berlin, Germany during the summer. They had grown close and formed a friendship. They exchanged prayer requests and chatted a lot about different things. Nolan was currently struggling with girl issues so Louella was trying to keep a distance between them. Least her friendship be mistaken for a wish for something more and confused Nolan even further. No, Louella didn’t want that. She just wanted Nolan to figure  out what he was going to do with his life. Currently he was kicking around the idea of Bible College as well. Though he wanted to attend somewhere closer to the ocean instead of in the flat lands. Louella had to agree there, though all the colleges in B.C. where out of her price range.

Nolan was currently in his third year of university at the local Uni. Though he was only a year older than Lou who was eighteen. Louella had to admit she wasn’t looking forward to leaving all her friends behind when she left for Sask.  It would be such a change. Especially since she had been home schooled from kindergarten through grade twelve. With no experience in a public class room at all. Sure she had taken classes for her life guarding and First Aid/CPR courses though that was it. Unless you counted Sunday school as a class. Then Louella had lots of experience.

Growing up Louella’s parents had attended a church that her moms dad, Lou’s grandfather was the pastor of. The whole family pretty much ran the church. For as long as Louella could remember her parents led the worship service, her grandpa would preach and Lou and her brother would take offering.  Granted the church only had thirty attendees or so. Though over the years Louella became a member at fifteen and became the sole worship leader when her dad had to work shifts on Sunday mornings. That had been tough but Lou had learned a lot out of it.

Though she had to resign as the worship leader when she was seventeen. Her grandpa had retired due to a heart attack and a new pastor was found. The new pastor sadly wasn’t one for outreach and growth or game for working with other churches from nearby areas.  Louella’s family ended up leaving the church and eventually found a new church to attend and attach to. This new church was the breath of fresh air that Louella and her family needed. No more disagreements within the family about how to run a kids program or how the Sunday morning service should go. Through the new church Louella had gone on two mission trips. One to Trinidad and Tobago to work with children and run a VBS program and in the end hand out Samaritans Purse shoe boxes, a day that she would not forget. And a trip to Berlin, Germany. The Germany trip had taught Louella a lot about diplomacy, grace and pure hard work. The team had gone over as a work/encouragement crew. They spent every morning for two weeks working around the church, cleaning, pulling weeds and washing windows. In the afternoons they would host a kids camp where Louella played soccer with the local German teens.

While Louella was in Berlin her heart was tugged. Now being back home she missed it. She had seemingly fit in, besides the fact that she couldn’t speak any German. God had broken her heart for the children that where broken, sad, lonely and needing love in Germany. Though Louella knew there were many kids in need of love all around the world, even in her home town. That’s why she was so determined to earn her B.A.  With her B.A. Louella could work anywhere in the world that God called her. She could work at her home church, she could go back to Berlin and work there as well! There were so many options, though in time Louella would know what path God would want her to take.

One of Louella’s biggest dreams was to be a ministry couple. Where her husband would also be a youth pastor. That way one week Louella could speak, and the next her husband could speak. Having a male and female pastor would help a youth group grow strong. As all the girls would have someone to take their problems to, in case they felt awkward talking to a man. And all the boys would have a mentor the same gender as well. Louella felt that much good could come of such a duo. Though she had no idea  if that would ever happen, as one can never even know if they are to get married or not. It was all in God’s hands.

Dusting off her hands Louella gazed around. Her brown eyes flicking from one thing to the next. “Well that’s all I can do today.”  She commented to Koda, who only cracked an eye for the briefest moment before closing it again. “Only twelve more day’s until I move into the dorms!” Louella thought to herself as she headed up stairs to her laptop. Oh how college would change everything.



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