Chapter Three- Mindless Dreaming

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Alright, so I just want to thank every reader! You guys are awesome. You kick ass. I know my story isn't that good, but it's a process I'm learning. Kayy. XD THANKY'ALL AGAIN. and, ooh. 

I chose Nina Dobrev to play as Destiny. There she goes, ~~~~>

alright, hope you enjoy! XD


The ray of sunlight hit my face, making me flutter open my eyes. I squinted; my eyebrows furrowed, eyelid flapped heavier and groaned lazily and tried to go back to sleeping. That’s when someone started to poke me. Still attempting to doze off and escape reality, I yelled, “STOP IT!” angrily.

  If you haven’t noticed yet, I’m a persistent sleep-hogger. It wouldn’t cross your mind that someone could actually sleep as long and dilatory as I do on the weekends. But I take boundless, long-asses sleep, believe me or not.

  Thankfully, the poking stopped. In a slash beat of a heart, the suicidal bastard, whoever he was, started nudging me.

Pulling my all caps rage, I sat up grumpily with a what-the-hell-does-your-life-suck-so-much-you-want-me-to-end-your-misery-and-disperse-you-from-this-world? look.

“The heck?” I barked like a mad dog.

“Wakey wake, nocturnal princess.” Aaron sweet talked me, I didn’t like it. He was wearing just his Harry Potter boxers and a comfty looking white shirt. My eyes shifted from him to the pillow and a blanket on the floor.

“You just love my floor so much, don’t you?” I gabbed, pointing my lips onto the floor, slightly nodding, gesturing my head to the direction. “Why are you still here?”

“Because you owe me 8 bucks for the ice cream you didn’t even acknowledge last night. And besides, you never told me what happened.”

“Oh.” I lipped, everything going back to me, flashes of anger as I remember what happened yesterday.

“Oh, what?” He raised his eyebrow.

“It’s really fucked up though.”

“That’s why I’m here for, right?” He smiled. “Scootch over and let me sit.” He commanded as he sat on my bed.

“He cheated on me.” I sighed, “with Izzie.”

His eyes widened, “wait what? Full details, please.”

“So yesterday Drew—Andrew asked me to break up with him, but then I didn’t second it because well, I love him. He reasoned out because I get jealous too easily when he’s with girls, and that you have a dick and I have a vagae-gae and he can’t be jealous when it’s about us, and that he was just picking up a fight so she could blame me for something and assumed and hoped that we would split. But then I said I could draw a boundary between me and you and me and him.” I gasped for air, talking without breathing is my thing when I’m telling him an unfortunate hap that happened to me. I looked up at him, but his face was calm.

“He said that I have a dick and you have a honey pot?”

“Seriously? Out of all that, that’s what you absorbed?” Un-freaking believable this guy. “The point he was implying, was that guy-girl best friends never just stop there.”

He shrugged, “Well looking at your perspective, it isn’t so impossible that you can fall in love with me. Given the fact that I’m so effin’ paradisiacal, and hot, and handsome, and-“

“God. I need more girl friends. That is not what you’re supposed to say!”

“Then what do you expect me to say?”

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