Monophobia (Larry Stylinson)

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Warning: Abuse, sexual, emotional and physical abuse. If these things bother you or make you upset, this is just a warning.


Monophobia. The fear of being alone. But for Harry it wasn't just a fear. He was literally terrified of being alone. 

After his mother died and his father moved and left to be with his mother's husband Robin he'd had been terrified of being alone. When he was younger he would cling to his step father. He would beg him not to leave him at school and cried everyday up until he was fourteen. Then he could hide his tears until he got home.

But the point is, so many people had left the young boy, abandoned him that he was broken. When he auditioned for the X-Factor it was because his step father, well now his father begged him to. He knew of his powerful voice and he knew Harry loved to sing.

And as soon as the bond with the boys was created for the first time in Harry's life he knew he would be left alone. Especially with Louis. His best friend. He'd fallen for the boy the minute he met the charming, beautiful older boy.

But he was too scared Louis would leave if he let him know how he felt. And he'd rather suffer in silence then Louis hate him.

Then he found Andy. A tall, gorgeous, sweet, older boy that seemed to have loved Harry. And Harry loved him. But then after about four months Andy started having problems at work. He started getting mad at Harry for the smallest things. 

It started with him screaming how worthless he was. How pathetic. How no one would ever love him. Then he'd calm down and hold the crying boy, whispering how much he loved him. And Harry believed him.

Then came the first hit. Harry had been late for one of their dates, having to leave the boys at movie night to go meet him. And during the date he got a call from Louis that Niall was in the hospital, having hurt his knee again and he left instantly.

That night when he went to Andy's house to apologize he was met with a punch to the face. Then the shouting. He was accused of cheating and the boy called him so many things. 

Worthless. Cheater. Bitch. Annoying. Ugly. Fat. Untalented. Stupid. Unloved. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. Alone. 


And that was the word that really stuck. if he left Andy he'd be alone. The other boys were there but not really there. Zayn had Liam, Niall had Josh and Louis had Eleanor. He barely saw the boys anymore.

And he refused to be alone. His fears keeping him in the abusive relationship. And this gave Andy a power over him. He learned of his fear and used it against him. 

And he believed every word the man said. Every insult. That he deserved to be hit and raped and screamed at. That he deserved everything he got from him. 

And that's when the self hatred started. And that's when Harry Styles became someone who you used to know. 


"Oh Hazza!" Someone sang loudly as they knocked on his bedroom door. He groaned in pain and turned over, his body aching from last night. He had burnt Andy's dinner and he got beat into unconsciousness. It was Andy's roommate who drove him home, helped him shower then got him into bed.

Dave had grown used to the boy, formed a liking to the boy. He hated to see him hurting. But he knew Andy would kill him if he said anything. And Harry had begged him not to. So he stayed silent, picking up the broken peices of the pop star.

Harry sat up, hissing quietly in pain then he remembered the boy at his door and cursed under his breath.

"Be right there!!" He shouted, pulling on random black jeans and a shirt before sleepily shuffling over to the door.

He was met with a grinning Louis who pounced on him, hugging him tightly. He chuckled to cover the wince and hugged back before setting Louis back on the ground.

"Hey Lou." He whispered, walking over to the bathroom to fix his hair. Luckily he had showered last night and didn't need to this morning because he was already running late. 

"Come on Hazz. We're supposed to be there in ten minutes and it's a twenty minute drive." Louis chuckled but didn't seem too bothered, on his phone. 

The younger boy frowned and finished brushing his teeth, grabbing his shoes and coat before following Louis out of his building. 

He got into the van, ignoring Liam and Zayn making out or Louis and Niall too into their phones to notice something was wrong. He did however see the worried glance he got from Paul. He put up his best smile and just pretended he was alright.

Something he was used to doing.

He leaned back in his seat and closed his eyes, preparing himself for another inteview where he'll be asked the same questions. And know Andy is watching and if he says one thing wrong he'll get his ass kicked.

He looked up through his eyelashes and watched Louis smile slightly down at his phone and felt his heart crack. He hadn't made Louis smile like that in a while. He looked away, wrapping his arms around himself.

He felt alone even in a car full of people. He shifted closer to Niall, the older boy wrapping an arm around him without looking away from his phone. He relaxed. 

He just had to keep his smile up and try and force himself to believe that he wasn't alone. He had the boys. And even if they were busy a lot, he had them. Even if he knew somewhere in him.. He didn't have them anymore.

They all had their own people to love and take care of now. He winced and turned into Niall, taking in the warmth and company for the little while he'd have it. Because even though sometimes he had people around him.

He was alone.


And that my lovely readers was the prologue to my new story Monophobia. I know it wasn't my best work but I'm really tired and I feel like shit. But I hope you liked it anyway. I worked hard on it to make it the best I can right now.

So, lemme know what you thought.

Comment, vote, fan. Whatever you want:)

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