Chapter Two

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Just wanted to let you know, I skipped time. I skipped over the break they had. Wanted to put that out there in case some were confused.


A whimper escaped Harry as he forced his eyes open and looked around. He went to sit up and gasped at the pain all over his body. He also felt something keeping him down on the bed. He bit his lip as he saw Andy sleeping soundly next to him. 

He looked at the time and gasped seeing it was already one in the afternoon. Andy worked at a bar so he probably just got to sleep and Harry didn't want to wake him up and make him upset. He carefully slipped out of the large, strong arms and watched as Andy turned over but didn't seem to be waking up any time soon.

He carefully walked to the shower. They had a concert that night at around seven and he was supposed to meet the boys earlier so they could run over the songs. It was their first concert since the break and he was slightly excited to be back with the boys again.

He had to be at Niall's soon, even if they had sound check at five. They always liked to spend time together and even if it was meant to be going over the lines they always ended up watching a movie or playing a video game.

He washed himself and stood under the water for a few minutes before getting out and drying himself quickly. He looked in the mirror at the bruises and cuts. The scars. The memories of each beating. He looked away, disgusted at who he saw, who he had become. 

He quietly stumbled into the bedroom and pulled on black skinny jeans and a random shirt he picked up. He got himself ready lazily, not really bothering with trying to look good. 

Grabbing his keys, wallet and phone he looked at Andy a last time before walking out of the apartment and getting in his car. 

The drive to Niall's was quiet as he thought about what he saw in the mirror, listening to the hum of the radio. 

Getting there he looked in the mirror, making sure all the evidence was covered by the light make up he applied. He then got out and walked up, knocking on the door. It was swung open seconds after and Niall smiled at me before walking away. My smile faultered slightly as he walked away without a greeting but I forced it back up.

Following him I sighed as I noticed Josh and Eleanor there. 

"Haz is here!" Everyone looked up and gave me a smile or a small wave before going back to what they were doing.

"Hey boo." I hummed as I sat next to Louis who had Eleanor on his lap, giggling at something he was whispering to her. He turned to me and his smile faultered slightly.

"Hey Harry." He murmured before going back to Eleanor. I felt my heart crack at him using my full name and the way he acted like just looking at me made him upset. I took in a deep breath and  looked away.

"So what movie are we going to watch? Haz, isn't it your turn to pick?" Niall grinned at me. Liam looked up from the passionate kiss he had been in with Zayn and Louis pulled away from Eleanor, arms still around the small girl.

"El thought we should watch Lady And The Tramp." Louis spoke up just as I was about to speak and I frowned.

"Okay." Any thoughts of me left everyone's mind as Eleanor's choice of the movie was told. I sunk down into my seat and took out my phone as the movie was put on. I sighed quietly as I went onto Twitter, reading some of the things sent to me. 

Some were nice and others were basically people saying how much they hated me. I winced slightly and must have caught Niall's attention because he frowned at me. I shook my head and looked back down at the phone.

"Harry. We're supposed to be here to spend time with each other, and you're on the phone?" Louis scowled and I looked at him, actually shocked he could say that to me. When he was just making out with his girlfriend.

I laughed humorlessly and caught the attention of the others. 

"Together? We haven't spent time with just us together in months, maybe a year you ass. So excuse me if I'd rather not sit here and watch you guys practically eating your girl-partners face." I growled, grabbing my coat and storming out.

I knew I'd have to deal with the consqences of my words later at the concert but for now I just needed to be alone.

You wouldn't think I'd want to be alone. The thought of being alone, terifying me but I couldn't stand to be around the boys. And I definitely didn't want to go home and deal with Andy.

So I walked and walked, not sure where I was or where I was going. I just walked. I ignored the people I passed, some fans and some just completely ignoring me back. 

It must have been an hour later that I ended up in a small coffee shop with only three other people in it. I sighed and walked in, welcoming the warmth. I sat down and dropped my head in my hands tiredly.

"Hello, my name is Jared. Can I get you anyth.." He trailed off as I looked up and he looked at me as if trying to figure out how he knew him.

"Harry Styles." I mumbled, looking down again. I didn't see his reaction but at least he didn't start screaming. Which meant he wasn't a big fan. Which was good. I couldn't handle the fans right now, I was on edge and I didn't want to snap at one of them. They meant a lot to me. And I didn't want to hurt them. 

"Nice to meet you. My little sister is a big fan. What are you doing here?" I looked up and frowned, seeing he was actually curious. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair. Why did I want to tell a radnom stranger so bad? 

"It's a long, long story." I chuckled dryly and I looked up as he sat across from me. 

"John, I'm taking my break!" He shouted before turning to me and grinning. I don't know if it was his warm and caring eyes. Or the genuine smile on his lips. But I relaxed with him. He didn't make me feel alone. Which was something everyone seemed to be doing. For the first time in a while I didn't feel alone. But I didn't know why I felt like that with a boy I'd never met in my life.

"I have time." He said softly, snapping me out of my daze and I looked up. He nodded encouragingly and I frowned before taking in a long breath. 


PICTURE OF JARED ON THE SIDE ---> Played by Zac Efron.

So this was chapter two. I'm not very proud of it. It was't my best work but I'm exhausted and I honestly just wanted to get something up on this. I don't really have a lot of inspriation on this story but I'm trying to get some. So I dunno when the next update will be.. Anyway.

Lemme know what you thought!! Did it suck? Was it ok? Was it good? Keep? Delete? What do you think? Comment, vote, fan? Whatever you want. :*

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