It was a stormy day ... and...and she never called back.
It was a sad day ... a- and... she left without saying anything.
I found a weapon ... I was scared.
I couldn't do anything to stop her... she hated me...
I-i put the gun to my chest, and I pulled the trigger *crying*
I... i saw her closing to me, and she told me "i love you... i made a mistake".
It was the day when everyone forgot me...But somewhere... in the world, my cry was heard... and the echo whispering you are telling the story of that stormy day ... the day that started my end... and i put final to my storm.
The End Of The Storm
Short StoryIs a book with short sad histories, or psicological histories, in english and spanish. May makes you cry or laugh... But makes you feel something very strong. I hope you enjoy it. Es un libro con historias cortas tristes, o psicológicas, en inglés y...