1.) Name: Jarrette
2.) Favorite Color: Black
3.) What You're Currently Wearing: Red and Black plaid pajamas...I sleep a lot.
4.) Favorite Song: Senerity. Link: www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/634109
5.) Favorite Band: None...
6.) Gender: Lemme check... I'm a guy I think...
7.) Bestfriends: They didn't give me permission to say their names...
8.) Zodiac: Gemini
9.) Favorite Show: Spongebob. I haven't watches TV since I was 10 or something.
10.) Favorite Movie: The Scorch Trials.
11.) Pepsi or Coke: I don't like either, cause I drink water. But I've tasted Pepsi once accidentally when I was young. So Pepsi
12.) Favorite Movie: Number 10.
13.) Favorite Book: The Ruins of Gorlan
14.) Favorite Superhero: Iron Man.
15.) Favorite Subject: Algebra
And one other friend I don't know the name of in here. I will update this later.