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Since I couldn't choose one to be with, I decided to be with neither of them. I moved out of my house and moved in with Louis and Liam. I was gonna get an apartment but they insisted on me staying with them. I sent a letter to both of them and told them, I had moved and wanted a drama free life.

It was heartbreaking to write but it had to be done. I left school and decide to finish it online. That was hard going down there and signing my self out. Zayn begging me to give him another chance but I walked away. I had to, it was for the best.

It's been three months since I left and the pain of missing the both of them is killing me. My body is shutting down, I'm weak without them. Every night I've cried myself to sleep because I missed being held by them. When Harry was sweet, he'd hold me, I felt perfect, we fitted together. Zayn would alway cuddle me when he came over, it would was lovely.

Just thinking about them is killing me. My heart feel like a hand is clutched onto it and is trying to rip it out. I wiped my eyes and cuddle to the pillow and tried to stop crying.

"Niall." I looked up and saw Louis walking in my room. He sat next to my head and ran his hand through my hair. I remember doing that to Harry, when he was sleep or when he wasn't angry. I know, even after everything, that wasn't my Harry. Something made him snap and I'm determined to find out.

"Niall, stop thinking about them. It'll only hurt you more."

"I can't Lou, I love them."

"I know Ni, but it's been three month babe, don't you think it's time to move on."

"No." He sighed and stood up.

"Fine, but you need to get out of bed and out of the house. Its not healthy to lay in bed and trapping yourself in this house all the time."

"Okay, I will." I said irritated. I just wanted to be left alone.

"Good! Now, I'm leaving to visit Karen, so I'll see you later." After that he left. I sat up and rubbed my hands over my face. I showered and got dressed. I walked downstairs and saw Liam, dressed and getting coffee.

"Where are you going Li?"

"To the school." Didn't he resign, but he soon answered my thought.

"Yeah, I know I resigned but until we get a new dean, I'm staying, Zayn quit. I don't know why though." I nodded and sat next to him at the table.

"Liam, you were married before you met Louis, right." He smiled and nodded. I can tell it was sadness covered with a smile.

"Sophia, she passed away. You still love her, even though she hurt you."

"Yeah, I did. I hated the fact she used me in the beginning but I was young and in love, so I forgave her and let it go."

"If you were in the situation I'm in, what would you do?"

"I love her, but I love Louis. I guess if this was to happen to me, I would pick Louis. Now don't think I picked him because she used me in the beginning of our relationship, Louis cheated on me twice, but I know he was who made me feel good. Zayn's a good guy Niall, but maybe you love him because he was saying everything you wanted.to hear. He showed you love and you didn't want to pass it up." With that he said bye and left for work.

I left thirty minutes after and walked towards the forest near by. When me and Harry first got together, he brought me here to camp but we ended up getting lost. We soon found this lake that was crystal clear and a waterfall. It was were we would go to get away from everything.

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