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Felicia's Point Of View

Sigh as I get done eating my toast I go put my plate down stairs in the dishwasher, Michael does the same. I walk up stairs to my room and shut the door for an hour I lay on my bed listening to Michael's Off The Wall album. I got my headphones in with my back towards the door I've been laying here thinking about Michael I just love him.

He's amazing to me,all of a sudden I feel a tap on my shoulder. I jump a bit and turn around and see Michael so I pause my music and take my headphones out.

"What's up Michael?"

"Nothing just wanted to check on you."

"Oh well I'm fine thanks."

"Well if you wanna talk about something I'm here."

"Ok." I said with a smile I thought about earlier I think right now is the right time to tell him.

"Hey Michael I do have to tell you something."

"Ok what is it sweetheart."

"Well for years as we been friends I felt real close to you but when I turned 13 I started to have a crush on you."

"Wait, what? No no."

"What? Haha yes yes yes but what seems to be the problem?"

"I don't like you."

"But why?" He gets up angrily and so do I.

"But why?"

"Because your not my type." And with that I'm standing out in the hall way Michael slammed the door and I dropped my paper. I run in my room and started crying. I'm in my covers with the pillow over my head.

Three hours Later

I've stopped crying and now I'm sitting watching tv. I can't believe he did that but what's weird is that he was angry. I sigh wondering why he didn't like me I guess I'm not the right one, I've never really thought I was pretty though. Goodness I feel so sad what if he doesn't wanna be my friend anymore and tells me to move out.

I turn off the tv and curled up in a ball I feel a little sleepy my eyes feel a little heavy. But that's when my phone started ringing I look at the caller ID and notice it was Melodie omg!! :D

"Heyyy girly how are you?"

"Haha hey Felicia I'm great,what about you?"

"I'm great I'm glad you called I just got done crying my ass off."

"Omg why."

"Because of Michael he doesn't like me Melody."

"Omfg I am so sorry lol, did you go ghetto on his ass?"

"Sadly no I just kept my cool he said I wasn't his type and I'm like omfg really Michael."

"Well babe if you need anything or advice I'm here."

"Thank you so much I wuv you."

"Ahah aww I wuv you too."

"So has life been good for you?"

"Yeah it's been pretty good I'm loving it but not if Michael keeps fucking my nerves."

"Lol well life has been pretty good nothing can spoil it at this point."

"Haha that's good but umm Melodie I gotta go Michael is calling me."

"Oh my well good luck I love ya talk to you later God bless you."

"Byeee talk to you later and thanks God bless you too." After I hang up I hear Mike knock again.

"Ummm who is it."

"It's me."

"Umm wait a minute." I pick up all the tissues and the ice cream and spoon and put it on the floor and slide it under the bed. I go over to the door and open it.

"What do you want."

"Are you ok?"

"Yes I'm fine."

"No your not I heard you in here crying look baby I'm sorry but I just don't like you like that way." And with that he gives me this big hug and of course I hug him back.

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