50 random things to do when your bored

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1. Annoy your younger or older sibling with a short theme song that pops into your head,

2. Text your friends backwards and see how long it takes them to figure it out. EX: sdneirf olleh. (Comment if you know what that says.)

3. Scream out your window the first thing that comes into your head.

4. Make up weird rymes about anything or "I'm sexy and I know it". EX: "I'm freaky and I know it" something like that.

5. Follow someone you know the 1st person you see or run into.

6. Go to a store, ask them dumb questions. EX: "What color are blueberries?" and "what is water?" 

7. Get on your sweats, get piled up with blankets, get cozy, be comfortable and watch Netflix or  regular movies, maybe catch up on TV shows. (If you don't have TV or cable or Netflix, but you have internet and a phone or a laptop go onto 123movies.to or movieplanet.is. They're cool.)

8. Gets some friends and listen to music and dance. Even sing. EX: Talent show or not. Lol

9. Clean your house. (You'll never know what you'll find.)

10. Surprise you parents. EX: Make a nice dinner, read # 9, be nice to you siblings, or do your chores. Lol

11. Prank or prank call your friends or family. (Maybe not family. They might get mad. Unless you have cool family members.)

12. Act like your an actress/actor. Make a movie or a show. (Have a couple of friends over record it on your phone, tablet, laptop, video camera, etc)

13. Party with your pets. (If your friends or some family member that's your age can't come over.)

14. Eat. (Eat everything u have.)

15. Hang out with your friends.

16. Act like a NINJA. ( dress in all black and do ninja stuff).

17. Practice picking locks.

18. Play GTA 5 (OR the other ones.) Call of duty (whatever one).

19. Watch charmed. (Follow # 27).

20. Play a board game with friends or family.

21. Exercise.. ( Not trying to be rude or anything. So sorry).

22. Study for school exams. (I wouldn't but you know it is helpful.)

23. Learn how to drive. Research how to drive.

24. Do a project of some sort.

25. Find a fun job. (I might be working at a pizza factory. I cant wait).

26. Take a bath and relax.

27. Have a movie or TV show marathon.

28. Watch funny YouTube videos.

29. Listen to music

30. Watch Pretty little liars. (Follow # 27).

31. Fix something.

32. Practice/learn how to cook.

33. Play with your pet.

34. Have a spa day. (That is of you have money and ur family loves you. Lol)

35. Build a fort throughout your house.

36. Go to a good neighbors and hang there for a little while.

37. Watch greys anotomy. (Follow # 27.)

38. (If you have money) go to the store and by some junk good and have a stash. Hide it in your room somewhere and don't tell anyone where it is.

39. SLEEP!!! (I sleep all the time. Unless I eat, hang with fam. Or friends or watch Netflix.)

40. Make a weird (NOT BAD ONES!!) drink and make your friends drink it. See what they think of it. 

41. Rearrange all of your magnets on your fridge and make a robot out of it.

42. Take a hook and tie a string and go window fishing.

43. Flip through random channels, and say your opinion.

44. Draw a horrible picture of someone you don't like or your siblings.

45. Hide in the closet with, and repeatedly call your home phone or someone elses phone untill they answer, then when they answer hang up. Then when they put the phone call again.

46. Find someone reading or doing homework and say random words or # and try to destract them.

47. Write a poem & send it in the mail or write a letter.

48. Have a eating contest with siblings or friends, even family.

49. Make up weird sayings on a post-it note & put it through out the town/city.

50. Gasp everytime someone walks past you.



1. Get window markers & draw over the windows to make them pweetie.

2. Write weird short stories on wattpad, or a notepade//book.

3. Make up weird sayings in new/different languages. Or even speak it.

4. Jump in a cab and say: "Follow that car!" (I've always wanted to do that.)

5. create a buck-it list.

6. Argue with someone that the world is ending.

7. Try to say "mmm" without closing your mouth. (NO CHEATING!! lol)

8. Try to soell the longest word backwords. EX: supercalifragilisticexpialidocious; suoicodilaipxecitsiligarfilacrepus. HAHA beat that. jk lol.

9. Call the closets store and see if they have frogs

10. Count how many dishes are in the cubaords.

11. Draw your own country and tittle it your own.

12. Create your own themes for a song and play it everytime you enter in a room or whenever you see somebody.

13. Creat your own your word, and write a deffintition and send it to a definition company.

14. walk around for no reason.

15. Go to walmart or walgreens and ask them if walls are for sale.

16. Create an imagenary friend, call him bob and when someone walks passed you, say something to bob.


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