Jean Hobbs--The Dissertation

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The dissertation

I was sitting alone on the couch, well not really alone my roommate was there too, but I felt alone. I texted Jack earlier this morning, forgetting that he was still writing his dissertation, to be highly disappointed when he said he was busy. It's not like I don't have other friends, it's just no one is Jack Howard but Jack, and no one can come close.

I sighed and Eliot looked up at me, giving me a questioning look, "You ok?" I looked over at him and gave him my best "what the fuck do you think?" face. He stayed quiet for a second then he said, "You want to talk about it?" I have no idea how I went from self-pity to pissed off so quickly but I stormed off to my room and slammed the door.

I got on twitter to try and clear my head, but it turned out to be "national best friend day". I couldn't help but get mad at Jack for practically forgetting me. My finger hovered over the tweet button, I wanted a response out of Jack but was this the best way? An evil smirk worked its way onto my face, it may not be the best way but it is the fun way. With that I pressed the tweet button.

Fuck you, @JackHoward. #nationalbestfriendday

I smiled at twitter, proud of myself for trying to make Jack feel bad. I sat there waiting for his retort, knowing it would be something witty and clever. Was surprised when I saw his response, it wasn't what I expected.

@deanitsomfg The acknowledgement of my dissertation. Pick your favorite bit.

There was a photo attached and I hesitantly opened it, worried because I didn't get the response that I expected.

To Dean 

Thank you for being my partner in crime. I'm sorry for neglecting you and our creative endeavors during this time. 

Lets take over the world.

Thank you.

I tried to get Stan Lee to cameo in this but he's "busy".

I was almost in tears, he hadn't forgotten me, he had been thinking of me that whole time. I felt bad for getting mad at him, it's not Jacks fault that collage is time consuming. I tried to make light of the whole thing, but I knew that Jack would see right through me.


Just a few seconds later I got a direct message from Jack.  

-Oh will you now Deany boy?

My insides did a little flip flop at the name jack had called me. And i though, what the hell was that body? It's just jack. I didn't really want to admit to him that I would but I knew that he already knew. 

~Jack you already know. You don't need to ask.

-But I wanted to hear it from you.

I almost awed out loud when I read that, which greatly confused me, he just wants to hear me say something what's so cute about that? I tried to deflect the conversation some so I wouldn't have to admit anything to Jack. 

~Jack I miss you

I was sitting waiting for Jack's response for much longer than I should have been. What is taking him so long?

-You have no idea

What does that mean? I was thinking about what he meant when my phone went off.

-You want to come over? 

I practically jumped up in excitement, I was going to see Jack! I grabbed a coat and shoes, pulling them on as I ran out the door and yelled to Eliot that I was going to Jack's. 

~On my way!

I got over to Jack's in record time. He opened the door, but it seamed it was in slow motion, I was so impatient to see him. A waft of air came out of his house and I took in a large breath, it smelled just like Jack. Oh I missed that smell, I didn't even know I did till now, but I missed it so much.

You could say I got lost in the moment just staring into Jack's eyes, his beautiful eyes, why hadn't I ever seen that before? "Dean, are you going to come in?" Interrupted my thoughts, and made me realize I had been staring for much longer than socially acceptable for friends.

A bit flustered and sighing the first word, I said, "Yeah. Yeah sorry Jack." He gave me a look of confusion but didn't say anything as I slipped by, brushing my arm with his as he closed the door.

We were just standing there, in the front hall of his place, looking at each other. If someone else had been there they probably would have said that you could cut the sexual tension with a knife, but Jack and I were oblivious to that. His eyes drifted down from their previous lock on mine, to around the area of my lips. I was surprised that I enjoyed the thought of Jack with his lips pressed to mine. I must have gotten lost in my daydream, because I was roused by Jack's voice.

"Dean, you ok?" I looked up and met his eyes, my eyes had wondered to his lips in my daydream. His eyes were almost uncontrollably flicking back and forth between my lips and eyes.

A little smile toyed at my lips and I said in a quite, almost vulnerable voice, "Well, go on then."

Jack gave me the look of a trapped animal, "What?"

I wrapped my arms around his neck pulling him close and whispering in his ear, "Kiss me." He locked eyes with me for a second before locking his lips with mine. I felt my knees go weak and wrapped my fingers in Jack's hair to help keep me standing. I didn't even know that we had moved till my back hit the wall. Jack put his hands on either side of my face and pulled back looking at me straight on.

"Dean, I'm sorry." He said in such a small voice, as he adverted his eyes.

I started rubbing his cheek with my thumb, "sorry for what?" I tried to get him to look me in the eyes again but he wouldn't move.

"You wouldn't have asked me to kiss you. You only did cause you didn't want to disappoint me, and you saw how much I wanted it." His hands slid down the wall back to his sides and he stepped away from me, his head still hung, looking at the floor.

I almost started laughing at how painfully wrong he was, but now was not the time. "Jack," I reached out and put my hand on his face, "absence makes the heart grow fonder. I didn't do that just for you." He put his hand over mine holding it to his cheek a soft smile played on his lips. "Now, where were we?" I put my arms back around his neck with a slight smirk, and he smirked back at me.

I'm glad his dissertation took so long to write.


The tweets actually happened, the rest of the story... Not so much. I would love it if you told me what you think and such.

You all are majestic unicorns for reading thank you!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2013 ⏰

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