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Matts POV
I wake up to the sound of bangs coming from the kitchen. I run in to see my poler bear Kumakaki, I guess he's hungry. First I called Alfred my brother to breakfast. He ran towards me say crazy things like "I want ketchup on my eggs" and "I'm having friends over today". WAIT HES BRINGING FRIENDS HERE OH NO THIS IS NOT GOOD. Even worse it's Gilbert and Mathias. I have always loved Gilbert but I can't tell him he might freak out. Why does everything have to be complicated from me. Maybe I should hide in my room until he's gone.

Gilbert's POV
I came to Alfred's house early to see his big brother Matthew. He's so cute but he would never like me I'm to awesome. But today I'm going to tell him how I feel. I hope he'll except my love.

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