Chapter 7

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As soon as Cheree told me to pick her up at 7, I couldn't help but plaster a goofy smile across my face. I know this could be a long process to find my way back to her, back to her heart but, I've gotta start somewhere. Right?

There was one place I never got the chance to take her to while we were lovers. CinneChili. It's a place that serves Chili and Cinnamon rolls. That's it. And by god, do they have the best Chili and Cinnamon rolls you could ever, and I mean ever place into your mouth. I'm talking major taste bud orgasm.

Also, the place is a good 45 minutes away. Which means more time with her, alone. The first time in years we can actually sit and talk.

I look at my phone, 4:45pm. Butterflies. Butterflies invading my stomach. The last time I felt these... Was the day I went over to her house thinking everything would be okay, only for me to jump to conclusions and end up putting a break in our relationship... Causing the relationship to end not too long after.

Sigh... One the stupidest, heart wrenching things I have ever done.

Now she's engaged. And my heart, it hurts. It calls for it's other half... I know soul mates to most is utter bullshit.. But, it's not. She is literally my other half...

My phone vibrates, knocking me out of my sorrows. Looking at the caller ID, my heart flutters and the butterflies increase. Cheree.

"Hey" I answer softly

"Um, hey, I just called to say that... I can-" Her voice wavered off, I heard ruffling noises from the other end.

"Cheree cannot and will not go out with you tonight. She has a fiance she needs to spend quality time with" Cassidy, I'm assuming, spoke with venom.

"Pretty sure she can speak for herself, or, better yet, she can make her own decisions." I replied coldly.

I heard Cheree's muffled voice in the background something along the lines of, 'Give me the fucking phone back' then...a beep. The beep signaling the caller has hanged up.

That bitch. I swear.

Fuck it. I decided to get into my car and pay myself a visit to the one and only...

Hailey Lambert.


I parked my car into Jessi's driveway. I noticed Cassidys giant Escalade out front. Didn't expect that. I took in a deep breath and exhaled loudly. This can go either horribly wrong, or, horribly right.

I slowly got out of the car and approached the front door. I cooly took my sunglasses off and placed them into the pocket of my plaid button up shirt.

Well, here goes nothing.

I rang the doorbell. Not even 10 seconds later, the door flung open to reveal a tear streaked face. My girl. Her eyes filled with shock. Then possibly anger, then relief.

"I swear to god Cheree, if that's her, I don't care if she-" Hailey cut herself off as soon as she came around the corner, making eye contact with me.

"Thank god, Please come in. I would love to tell you my little sisters wonderful dilemma. Or better yet, maybe you could possibly get it out of her how she really got that black eye." Hailey spat out sarcastically.

My body tensed. I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion and glanced at Cheree. Her bangs were slightly covering her eye so I slowly reached out to move her bangs to the side, only to have her flinch away before I could touch her.

"Cheree, I'm not going to hurt you. I would never hurt you." I stated softly.

Her sister carefully grabbed her arm and gently nudged her out of the door way so I could enter. I followed them to the couch. Cheree sat on the end, placing her elbows on her knees, burying her face in her hands.

I crouched down in front of her and softly placed my hands on hers, gently prying them away. She looked up at me, tears once again forming. I tucked her bangs behind her ear, revealing a freshly formed bruise around her eye.

Rage filled my soul. "You know I can always tell when you are telling the truth. Please Cheree, what happened?" I asked softly. Not wanting to frighten her.

"I fell" she said simply, shrugging her shoulders in the process.


I heard Hailey scoff behind me. "Yeah, and I was in a coma from running into a door."

Ignoring Hailey, I held Cheree's face in my hands. "I know when you lie, your left eye twitches slightly. Tell me, please?" I begged. Her eye's finally met mine. We just stared at eachother. It felt like nothing else mattered.

"You always knew me better than anyone." She said barely above a whisper. She chuckled sadly, "If you had never left me, Brooklyn, This," she pointed to her eye, "never would have happened."

"Did Cassidy hit you" I demanded, ignoring her accusation. I feel like she was partially blaming me for her possibly abusive fiance. Which in all honestly, she is partially right. If i never broke things off, we would still be together. Married. Probably already have 3 disgusting, little brats running around. But, they would be our disgusting little brats.

She glared at me, a frown forming on her beautiful face, "What do you think, Brooklyn?". She swatted at my arms, forcing my hands to move away from her beautiful face.

I saw Hailey from the corner of my eye slowly make her way next to Cheree, sitting down next to her little sister gently.

"Cheree, you have two people who care more about you then anybody else in the world. Two people who love you unconditionally. Two people who would take a bullet for you in a heartbeat. Two people who would do anything for you. Those two people are sitting in this room with you right now. You can tell us anything." Her sister sighed, placing a hand carefully on Cheree's knee.

I glanced at Hailey, giving her a slight smile. Thanking her.

Cheree looked at Hailey, then to me. She sighed, giving in to our words.

"I really did fall. We got into a fight. Again. She turned into a fucking bull when I told her Brooklyn was taking me to a restaurant. She flipped. She started throwing things. Becoming extremely possessive. It was right after she called you. I didn't exactly help the situation. I started yelling at her for trashing the house. Threatened to call off the engagement". She paused. Her tears started to form again.

"After I threatened to call off the engagement, she stopped. She just stared at me. For ever. Before I knew it, she was in front of me and shoved me so hard I fell and on the way down I hit a door knob. She tried consoling me after she saw my eye had already started to swell. I basically told her to fuck off. She locked herself in the bedroom and I took her car. So, here I am." She said, chuckling slightly.

I got up. My anger rising even more. She may be a fucking trained fighter. But, I can play dirty. I can make her life hell.

"I know that look, Brooklyn. Don't go and do something stupid. She'll lay you flat on your ass." she chuckled slightly.

I smirked playfully at her. "Anybody that ever hurts you, will bring out the beast in me. You're my everything. Nobody lays a hand on you and gets away with it. Even if you aren't mine, I will always protect you."

At that, I turned around and walked out the door.

Not sure I like this chapter much. This book won't be as long as the last. So, I'm trying to speed things up a little. I have an awesome Idea for a new story. But, I refuse to start a story while already writing one.

Please please please comment. Thank you!


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