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Mid year examination is coming, and your boyfriend aka JHOPE is the smartest kid in your level.  One day he decides to ask u to go his house to study, and sure u agree right away. However, when you went to his house, it didn't seem like he was ready for studying more like he was ready to watch movie, popcorns, soft drinks and etc were on the desk. But u weren't in the mood for movies so you just settle down on his desk in his room and start taking out books. He will just sit beside you and stare at you until you get uncomfortable,probably taking your stationary from your hand.. He would use all kinds of distraction to distract you, like flipping your textbooks, notes until you get fed up. "STOP! HOBIE I know u are smart but not me alright.. I need to get good results so I wont make u feel embarrassed because you got a stupid girlfriend.." With that JHOPE carry u up and settle u down on his bed, with him kneeling on the floor and staring at you when you look down. "Baby, you know I didn't once have the thought that you were stupid or either I feel embarrassed when I'm with you. I just love the way you are, you dun have to bother how other think when I'm here loving you." With that he kisses your forehead lightly and pull u to his chest and hug u tightly." If you need help, do approach me be it in class or anywhere I maybe smart when it comes to studies, dancing and rapping but when it comes to LOVE, I'm incomplete without you. So stop thinking that you are stupid because you are good and talented in other ways." With that he holds your hand with books in his other hand and head to the living room," let's start studying now, so you will get good results and you later on you will watch  movie with me aites baby?"

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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