Chapter 1 - Taking the Case

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He grabbed a stick of his favorite menthol cigarette and stood up. He walked to the big glass window which also served as a wall between him and the city. He sighed. The urban view of the rich and unpolluted (yet) city of Iloilo from the 38th floor always comforted him. It always soothed the pressure brought by having a no-lose-yet record. The media always followed him around. But that was okay; not only was he enjoying all the fame but it was also how he found out his ex-wife was a cheating little skank. It ended his 7-year marriage and not a single penny was taken from him.

But, no. Being such a good lawyer was also punishing. He bets half of his colleagues who applaud all his successes are also praying for his defeat. He can imagine them on their knees every night begging God for it. Just one defeat. One little defeat that might also bring them a chance to vie for the title "Best Defense Attorney of the Country." Ha! Those losers!

Two knocks and the sound of the wooden door opening interrupted his thoughts.

"Attorney Kaster," It was his secretary with fake blonde and a pretty ass. "The number of news reporters outside has doubled since the past hour. They won't go away. They want your answer. Should I call the police?"

"Goddamnit." He whispered as he headed for his table to put out the cigarette which was newly lit.

It was all his stupid brother's fault. If he'd just given him the money he was asking for yesterday, then everything would have been okay. It was supposed to be a normal day until that scumbag stopped him in his office building's parking lot around five in the afternoon.

"Roy, how are you bro?" his brother's husky voice echoed.

"What is it this time, Michael?" he asked, annoyed.

"Whoa. Just because you're famous, that doesn't mean you can have that attitude." he replied with a laugh while taking his bull cap off.

"Just because you're my brother, that doesn't mean you can drop out of college any time you want, waste your life on drugs and crime, and then ask me to acknowledge you. I'm asking for the last time, what is it you want?" he demanded coldly.

"Alright, you didn't miss me; I get it." he coughed, "I need cash."

"How much?"

"Well, it'll be imported from the U.S., you know. It costs ten thousand dollars but I don't know about the shipping and taxes."

"Jesus Christ, Michael! That much for drugs?"

"Ah, well." he gave up, "...yes."

"No." he said with finality as he got in his white Lexus LS Hybrid.

"That's it? I'm gonna fucking die if I don't pay this!"

"Do you want your body cremated or buried?" he replied as he slid the window down.

"They're right! You're a monster. You go out helping murderers and rapists but you have the balls to ignore your own flesh and blood?"

"You think I did that for free? They were paying me a fortune! In fact, that's what I wasted on your two years in college before you dropped the hell out. If you wanted money, you should've studied to become a lawyer, too."

"They weren't kidding when they said you were an arrogant son of a bitch. I wanted to paint, not lie inside the courtroom. But you destroyed every opportunity I had, and don't you dare try denying that! I don't want to be like you!" He kicked the passenger door this time, "Get out!"

He went out; not because his brother said so, but rather to check the damage done to his car.

"Hey, Roy!" his voice pierced through the lot. "You're not a very good lawyer! They think you are because of your record. Have you ever had one innocent client? No, right? Because you're just a liar, defending other liars because you don't want honest people to live the life they deserve."

That was it. He went back in the vehicle and stormed out the busy streets of his city. It was already dark, and he wanted to forget everything his brother said. After all, none of it was true. Was it?

The tires screeched until it found an empty space near a secluded bar & grill that he's never been before. It was a Jack and Coke, Double-Tall followed by a few shots that showed his inner demons. But somehow, it was that girl in red who kept staring at him two seats away that released them. He thought he saw her somewhere before. The next thing he knew, he was bragging about all he's achieved in his 45 years of existence.

"But you do know about that Martinez murder case, right?" she said in her sweet seductive voice. "Her fourth lawyer quit yesterday. They say it's impossible. She's probably gonna have the death penalty."

He sneered. "I can even win that case if she took me."

The next morning, he turned the television on and saw that same girl reporting about his declaration to win the Martinez case. No wonder she looked familiar. She's the TV -8 early morning news anchor. Jesus, people do everything to get headlines.

"Sir?" The flashback of events was once again interrupted by his secretary.

"Well, it's not like that Martinez killer decided to hire me."

"She did, sir. It's all over the news and we've received numerous calls. They're only waiting for you to confirm."

"Well, bless her heart." He said sarcastically as he stormed out of his office, down to the lobby.

He was trapped now. If he won't take the case, people would laugh at him; especially after his embarrassing drunk declaration. But if he took it... who was he kidding? It's a hopeless case.

"Excuse me." He spoke as he saw the numerous journalists waiting for him. "I've decided..."

There was dead silence.

"I'm not..." he paused. "I'm not backing out. I'm taking the case."

Before anyone could throw more questions, he turned around and hurried to the elevator. He could hear the chaos from the different reporters trying to chase him and the voices of the security guards stopping them. As the elevator slowly closes, he saw their faces.

They were all hungry to see the arrogant Attorney Roy Kaster lose for the first time.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2016 ⏰

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