Accidental meeting

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Sara's POV

~From: MyFrigginStarBffFallion

Her Sar-Bear shooting at the beach, wanna hang.


Sounds cool meet you there!!!!!!!!!!!


Awesome meet me there in about an hour???


You know it babe, can't wait this is gonna be so fun


Lol, you betcha welp g2g I wanna live to see the beach ;) Bye Babe


Haha, have fun with that ;) see ya soon!!!! Beach Funn

Yes we're goin to the beach, and who knows I might just get some extra pics for work. Yes I'm a paparazzi . No I'm not like the others, I don't get all up in celebs buiz. Look I know how it sounds I'm a pap I'm bff's with a celeb, I'm probably just using her for my job that's it. Well think again! I love Fallion like my sister and I was bff's with her long before I got this job. Trust me, this is just a way for money, if I could I would so quit and become a model. But clearly I'm no model! Anyway I'm done explaining so if you don't believe me then stop listening to my thoughts now! So since it's a slow day maybe I don't have to be a pap at the beach, it's worth a try. "Hey Julia, since it's slow, do you mind if I go to the beach?" I ask my boss Julia. "Sara, I thought you knew the rules, leaving work early docs pay." Welp there goes being spineless. "Fallion text me, their doing a shoot I could get some inside pics, and maybe even catch some other celebs there. Strictly work." Picking up my camera I give her an 'you can trust me' look. "Fine" she says "but only work don't goof off, you know I'm not ecstatic about you being friends with Fallion, but as long as workings involved, ill be ok with" "Oh thank you thank you thank you, I promise I won't let you down."I say hugging her, then running out the building as fast as I can. I need to go home and change, I might be working but that doesn't mean Fall and I can't have some fun on her breaks. This is going to be so much fun!

Fallion's POV

Finally!!!!! We arrive at the beach after a 1 hour car ride. I love the studio is close to home I just hate it's far from the each. But where here and that's what matters. Right? Anyways, production rented out one side ov the beach, so that mean not 50 feet from where I am standing, people were tanning, walking their dogs , and playing in the ocean. Oh well, I always love live audiences. Haha so now I'm being rushed to change in our make shift wardrobe department, then off to hair and makeup, the life ov an actor. As soon as I enter the tent I hear Jollie one ov our co stars talking to a new girl, I don't quite know about people they know at the beach, so I decide to join them and see what's up. "Hey guys" I say to Jole (my fun nickname for her ) then turn to the stranger. " Hi I'm Fallion I don't believe we met" I say offering a hand, this girl has beautiful curly brown hair. "Oh hi, I'm Danielle, one ov the new dancers" she says taking my hand. "Oh well welcome to the show. It's really fun! Well anyways whose coming to the beach, possible love interests, I don't know I about" I say nudging Jole in the ribs. "Well actually Dani's boyfriend, and his friends are coming. They'll be here anyone minute. They don't know Dani's on the show yet, and we" she says meaning her and Danielle. "Are going to surprise them". "Cool." I say nodding. "Yeah the boys love the show" she says smiling, wow she has a really pretty smile, and is that a British accent, AWESOME! I love British and Irish people! "Hey" she says as if a light bulb went off in her head. "The boys love you an would love to meet you , would you mind surprising them with me?" "No, problem! I love meeting fans. Especially guy fans." I say smiling, who knows one ov these boys might be my next boyfriend. Haha I really am funny. "We'll I better go get ready, it was nice to meet you, I'm super excited to work with you, and when the guys get here just come get me and I'll be more than happy to see them." I say waving to them then going. This will be fun!

Sara's POV

Ok so I managed to beat L.A trafic, and get here with 25 minutes to spare. Yess! Well anyways I'm making my way to the beach, my phone is vibrating . Oh I got a text.

~From: Mommyyyyyyy!!!!!!!

What are you doing tonight?


Probably staying with Fallion. Why???


Just wondering have a great day. Love you. Don't get into strange unidentified can offering free candy.xx


Oh I wo

Omg! A soccer ball just hit me in the head!! What the fudgecakes!!!!!!! Ok someone is going to die, a slow and painful death. I'm now looking for my phone when five guys suddenly approach me.

"Sorry love, we didn't mean to hit you with our Football." A certain curly haired boys says offering me his hand,just as I found my phone. " Um ok, wait a minute" I say getting up and taking a better look. "Aren't you guys like One-" before I could finish curly covers my mouth with his large hand.

"Please dot scream. We'll give you tickets and autographs" he says still covering my mouth. By all ov their reactions I'm guessing these are the five famous boys. "I don't want YOUR concert tickets or autographs" I say my voice muffled by his hand still. "What's that love" he says removing his hand. "I said I don't want YOUR concert tickets or autographs" I said wiping my mouth, they looked... Shocked? "Not that I don't like you guys,you have awesome music I'm just not that big ov a fan. I'm here to see my friend, she's on set and I'm late." I said while trying to escape the five boys surrounding me. "Wait did you say set? Like she's an actress?" Louis says his eyes lighting up a bit? I wonder why? "Um yeah, hey show decided to have a beach episode." "What's her name" Liam chimes in "Fal- oh look that's her now" thank Jesus saved by the bell. "Hello gorgeous" I answer my phone while the guys stand around looking confused. "Where are you, I'm about to be on set" she says a bit frantic. "Um I'm kind ov, trapped?" I say looking at the guys "Trapped! Oh my gosh, do you need backup ? You know I'm a ninja." She says. I can just imagine her going into a ninja stance. "No, I don't need backup, especially from a prissy ninja " I say laughing, as well as the guys. "I am not prissy, I'm just high maintenance. But anyway get here soon, get un-trapped , and if you hurry you can get pics." She says a bit saddened by the last bit. The one thing I love the most about Fallion is, even though I'm a pap she still loves me, and try's to help me even if it might hurt her, although I'd never hurt my Fally. "Ok ill try my best, to untrappafy myself, and you my dreary don't sing a wrong note until I'm in there to capture your demise." I say as evily as possible. "HaHa, very funny. Just hurry up and get here, so we can enjoy the beach. Oh I gotta go before my head is on a stick. By Sara love you" she says while... Running? "Ok don't get you head on a stick I need you for beach fun. Bye Fallion love you too." And with that I hung up, to find them starring at me. Weird! "Can I help you?" I ask sarcastically. "Was that your friend, the one on set?" Zayn asks, looking a bit surprised. "Yeah, she wants to know where I am. Since I'm late" I say maybe just a bit coldly. "What's her name?" Niall (my favorite) asks in his adorable Irish accent. "Fallion Liberty" They all stand their in shock. Eyes wide mouths dropped and unaware ov me running from them. I guess some people are fans. Wait till Fallion hears this.


Ok guys so what do you think. Danielle and Fallion met and work together? Sara and 1D met? Sara knows about the boys' love for Fallion?

Keep reading and voting and fanning! Welp guys I love my sweet tarts/ sweet T's(aka my followers) and forever and always ONE DIRECTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Haha I have the infection.

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