Chapter I

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I finish my breakfast plate and leave it in front of my bedroom door for the housekeeper to retrieve later. Then I pack the last of my things from the bathroom, the necessities; toothbrush, hair brushes, deodorant. I neatly organize them in my carryon and zip it up. I hope I haven't forgotten anything, well anything I cannot replace once I get there. I check the clock 6:25 A.M. I have a few more minutes left, I take a glance in the mirror, I know nothing has changed since the last time I looked no more than ten minutes ago, but I wish a miracle would take place and suddenly look more like college student, as opposed to a child in middle school. I look like miss match of parts from my parents. My Mothers hair color, bone structure and Small fame, barely standing five foot two. Yet, at the same time I have my Fathers curls, his steel colored eyes and his dimples. There is no question I love my parents more than anything but I am glad to get away from here. When your father looks like a movie star and your mother a model, not only is it hard to go unnoticed but top that off with having a modest fortune, and well you are screwed out of normal childhood. Once when I was about ten my whole school came out to my father's car to get his autograph thinking that he was a star in some block buster action movie or international celebrity. Even after he told them he was not a movie star they still insisted on taking pictures with him and treating him like royalty. I know he could not help it, but I still was mortified to go back to school the next day. Then there was the one time my Mother and I were horseback riding, practicing cross country before one of my big show series'. We stumbled upon a photoshoot, at first the photographer was so angry we "ruined" his shot, but once examining my mother he tried to fire the present model posing ridiculously on a horse and hire my mother right then and there. Of course she turned it down and politely scolded them for interrupting our lesson. They left immediately. For someone so kind, beautiful and small in stature she has commanding presences that could not be over looked or argued with. My parents have always had a positive influence over my life and I have strived to be so much like them to make the proud. Even my college choice is biased; most people get to decide where they want to go. But for me, my parents are alumni of Legacy University. So what does that mean? I am the newest member of the Brighton family to be invited to join L.U. And I am proud to continue a long standing tradition.

I look away from the mirror and take a moment to look around. My room feels naked but at the same time untouched, I have only packed clothes and things I use on a daily basis... so nothing really, and most of that has already been sent to Germany. "May I take your bags? Miss" I turn to face Lacy the housekeeper "Yes, of course" I murmur "If you don't mind me saying Miss. We are sure going to miss you around here" Lacy smiles brightly at me. She has been an amazing strong hold in my life, she is the closest thing to an aunt I have ever had and a good friend.

"Thank you, Lacy. I will miss everyone here" I reply quietly. She offers a smile and takes my carry on suitcase "Ivory, dear. We need to be leaving" my mother calls from downstairs. I give my room one last glance flip the light switch off and shut the door. Good Bye I think to myself, letting go of the last piece of my childhood. It is silly to feel that in order to grow up an continue life I have to symbolically kill my childhood by letting go of my room. I take my time going through the hallway. Trying to memorize everything in fear of forgetting what my home looks like, I touch the walls running my fingers across the antique cabinet that hold smaller antiques and things. I look at all our family photos that decorate the walls, we always look happy, never failing to smile our brightest. We have always been pegged as the perfect family, two parents and one Daughter. I remember being smaller and continuously begging my parents for siblings but, with no luck. According them they were grateful for me and could not ask for more. Nearing the stairs I stop at my favorite picture. My Father is sitting in a large wooden chair and my Mother delicately placed across his lap. I stand behind chair looking away bashfully as they share a kiss. They're love is something I have always admired; it is the only reason I have held off in having a boyfriend, hoping to find that perfect person for me. Needless to say I am still waiting. I step away from the photo and jog down the main stair case. "There you are" Mom smiles at me. Her Golden hair falls over her shoulders in long layers; she is so beautiful she could pass to be a doll. Her skin looks porcelain and her eyes may seem brown but they slowly turn gold towards the pupil. I get down the stairs and right into my mother's embrace. "Look at you" she whispers "All grown up, and such a lady" holds me at arm's length. "I'm nervous" I say shamefully "It is perfectly normal dear" she says reassuringly, gently smoothing my hair down. "We are never far, Ivory. Just have faith in yourself" She always knows what to say, to comforted and make me feel at home. Although far from perfect my parents and I have always had a very open understanding relationship. I smile at her again trying to show that her words had comforted me. "I hate to break up this lovely heart to heart. But we need to go, Rose the car is waiting" My Father pronounces as he enter from the grand room, holding a handful of papers and documents. He has ebony curly hair, with his light steel eyes, and of course his dimples when he smiles. His features are a one of a kind, sort of a prince charming look. Someone was kind and understanding but also who could be extremely intimidating and protective if needed. "I just got off the phone with in Frankfurt. Your account is all set up and is ready to use the second you get there" he hands me my passport, boarding pass and my banking information. Than wraps me up in his arms for a hug "Thanks Dad" He lets me go "Wie ist Ihr Deutsch?" He asks

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