England(Arthur) x chubby reader

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It was a bright and beautiful day in (city name). The sky was bright blue and the suns rays shined down on the landscape below, a small gust of air pasted by you fluttering your skirt. You were in a (fav color) blouse ,black flowy skirt, and flats. Now you were different from most people in your town you see it was full of skinny, preppy people who found joy in other peoples pain. From years of bullying you've grown to ignore and not care about there hurtful words and slurs. You did have a few friends Elizabeth, Alfred, Francis, the Italian twins, and last but not least your crush arthur~. You and Arthur have been friends for years now and your feelings for him flourished after he stood up to some asshole preps who thought your interest in (anime) was dorkish. You and Arthur were going with the allies to the beach today since it was beautiful out now here's the problem you had a bathing suit but it was two piece. It WS ruffled and slightly tight on you, it was (color) and accents of (color).  You were slightly shy and insecure about your body. Many have said it was baby fat but you knew that wasn't true. Your bikini was under your outfit but made sure it didn't show, Alfred knew you had a chubby crush on Arthur and often teased you about it and made plans to get you two to confess. The allies had just gotten to the beach, you all got out and started going to the sandy plains. You layer out a towel and small umbrella and watched the waves crash onto the sand. You look over and see Arthur beside you in swim trunks accenting his muscled figure, you've dreamed of touching them and being able to kiss those abs. He was reading a romantic book and you've figured out it was smut by the cover, you didn't judge but blushed abit. How could he no be embarrassed reading smut in public?? He looked up from his book and turned toward you. "Why aren't you out in the water love?" His deep voice spoke to you sending shivers down your spine. "I-i just don't feel like it is all." In all honesty you were sweating like a pig.  He noticed this and looked at you quizzically "but aren't you hot in your outfit love?" You blushes and nodded "a-alittle but I do want people to make fun of me" he looked surprised at you "you look beautiful though (name) inside and out." You blushes bright red and decided to hell with it and took of your blouse and skirt. Arthur blushed admiring your chubby figure, he felt warm inside whenever hes around you he felt like he's on cloud nine and her wanted to get off it. You looked down and saw Arthur looking at you, you instinctively covered your stomach and looked away. He stood up and towarded over your figure looking at your adorable face, he stopped his eyes at your plump cherry colored lips than looking at your (eye color) eyes that shined in the light. His cheeks flushed a soft pink as his lips moved closer to yours, both of your hearts felt like they were about to burst from their chests... "YO ARTHUR!!!" The loud american ran towards you two at the speed of the flash. Both you and Arthur moved back quickly blushing bright red. Alfred looked confused at first but than realized what he did, smirking he walked up to Arthur and dragged him away"Arthur making the first move hu? Great!!" "You bloody git, I was about to kiss her until YOUR loud mouth showed up!" You watched as arthur and Alfred fought as usual. You giggled at the site and felt happy thinking about what you and Arthur were about to do. "Look its shamoos twin sister!" You turned and saw a group of girls in skimpy bikinis flaunting there nonexsistant curves. You heard the group laugh and go closer to you, your face was the definition of stone. You promised not to show emotion to bullies anymore "hey fatty why so happy? Did you get food or something? Beuse that the only way to make a fatass like yourself happy" they chuckles at there horrible joke "why don't you lose some weight than maybe the two hottie's will get with you, oh wait they never will!" That one actually hurt abit. You started walking away but one of the girls in the group pulled you back and pushed you into the sand. "Youre not going anywhere tubby." The girls started punching you and kicking sand on you, one of the girls grabbed you hair and yanking it hard making you yelp loudly which didn't go unnoticed. Arthur turned towards you and saw what was going down. He tan towards you and pushed the girls away "what the bloody hell are you doing to my love?!" His face was the meaning of pissed and angry "were teaching this fatass a lesson, to lose some weight and she MIGHT get a boyfriend duh" the leader stated with boredom. Arthur growled and looked at all of them "leave her alone or else I'll kick your ass!" The girls scoffed "cya fatty hope ya die" and with that they walked away laughing. Arthur crouched down and picked you up bridle style, he made his way to your car and set you in the passenger side and buckled you in. "Arthur....are they right about me? Am I just a fatass?" Your eyes started to water and bottom lip quiver. "Hell no! (Name) you are beautiful and gorgeous. Those dumb bimbos have nothing on you...you're smart, kind, considerate, and drop dead sexy." Both of you blushed a bit, you wiped your eyes softly, looking over at Arthur. "Thank you Arthur, you're too kind." You smiled sweetly at him . he couldn't resist it this time, he moved his head down and kissed you dead on the lips, your mind drew a blank at first but than you reciprocated and kissed him back. It was as if fireworks went off in the background and time stood still. Arthur pulled back smiling "I love you (name) with all of my heart." You blushed and squirmed abit feeling nervous "I love you too Arthur" with that Arthur kissed you again. Unknown to you two Alfred was behind you two squealing softly, fangirling as he tried to contain his excitement "my otp is canon!! Finally!" 

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