Zoe Didn't do surgery becouse it was too risky! She couldn't walk on her own anymore!
Just you to know: Zoe was a model ! She was an amazing model !
Kylie got depressed so she didn't go to dance competitions anymore , she just practiced!
They were living in L.A with Austin! Kylie and Austin were dating !Austin - hey girls
Kylie - hey baby
Zoe - heyAustin and kylie kissed
Austin- so what are you up for?
Zoe - we were just going to the saloon !
Kylie - we still are !
Austin - want me to come with you guys?
Kylie - no need !!Kylie and Zoe weren't so popular anymore! !! But Kylie's mother and father were so popular than ever!!
Kylie and Zoe went to the saloon and came back home!
"Zzzz" "zzzz" Kylie's phone buzzed !
Kylie - hello
Karen - hi girl !! How are you doing?
Kylie - I'm doing fine just fine!
Karen - I have some news to you !
Kylie- what news?
Karen - the audience called me , and they want an interview with you and Zoe!
Kylie - WHAT?? Why??
Karen - becouse they want to know what happened to you guys .... They want to know why ate you guys so down !
Kylie - I don't know if i want to talk to them about this!
Karen - I think it's a huge opportunity ... just think about it !
Kylie - ok I will ! So how is your zack ?? And the kids?
Karen - they are fine !! How is Zoe and Austin?
Kylie - I think Zoe is handling well this situation ! And Austin just wants to help! !
Karen - good ! I think I'm coming to L.A after tomorrow!
Kylie - really? That's so good !
Karen - I know right! But I'm coming with the kids and zack !
Kylie - no problem ! Now I need to go , see ya!
Karen - bye ...Just you to know : Karen is Kylie's sister ! Zack is karen's husband !
Kylie - ZOE I have news !
Zoe - me too!
Kylie - I'm going first ! My sister is coming after tomorrow!
Zoe - well , my whole family is coming today !
Kylie - how exciting!
Zoe - but where ate they gonna stay ??
Kylie - my sister can stay in my father's house ! And your family can stay here !! Austin can stay in a hotel room!
Zoe - that sounds great !Kylie - AUSTIN
Austin - bae
Kylie- you are gonna have to stay in a hotel room for a while!
Kylie explained everything to Austin and he accepted!Kylie - what time shall we go get your family? ?
Zoe - ley me check. ... right now !!
Kylie - let's go get the mini bus !Kylie and Zoe brought the family home ! They had dinner together...
Next day ( 06 :00 am )
Zoe's mom -- EVERYBODY WAKE UP .... WAKE UP.... WAKE UP ...
kylie - Zoe .... what is going on ..
Zoe - just my mom being herself. ..Kylie started loughing with Zoe "hahahahahaha"
Zoe - we are awake already !!
z.mom - so go take a shower and start cooking for lunch ! I already cooked for breakfast!
Kylie - ok we are coming!Zoe's family is very funny and they always work together , according to kylie !
They had the best day ever!2 days later !
Zoe - kylie wake up ... your sister is here!
Kylie - coming.....Karen - hey girl .... missed you so much !
Kylie - hey ... missed you too ! We're are my little beasts?
Lola- we are here !! We missed you .
Luke - I missed you a lot!
Kylie - me too .... do you want candies?
Lola- yess
Luke - I want a ball to play ...
Karen - kids ... go away ...
Karen- the interview is on 2 hours !
Kylie - WHAT?
Karen - yes I am ! Go get ready! After the interview you have a photoshoot! Don't you girls want your fame back ???
Zoe - we do want !
Karen - cool ! Now I'm your manager. ..
Kylie - that's why u love you so much!
Karen - becouse I'm fast? ?
Kylie - yeah .... and becouse you are awesome ...
Karen - yeah I know!The story is not done yet !!
Nothing Is Forever
RomanceA girl that only cares about her self will lose everything and has to deal with it!