Words Matter.

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Maybe they don't, or maybe they do.

It's,again,what you believe in. I think they matter. Words do matter. They influence us. And you know the funny thing?

Compliments we brush off, words of hate are permenantly etched in our heart and brain. Oh the irony. Well,whatever you believe in, you choose. I am just going to preach.

Telling someone they are fat, is just words to you, to the other? It's a confirmation. Now they know that they are hopeless and not needed and imperfect.

I don't believe in perfection. Because when you are perfect,you can't improve. You can't try harded because perfection is just that.

It's nothing wonderous. It's nothing to be.

Perfection is not happiness, because you'll have to maintain that status. It becomes a job. It becomes a burden. 

I believe in imperfection. And in all honesty? Nobody is perfect. Everybody has flaws.That is what makes us human.

Words are like dark chocolate. The bitterest one.

A few like it,but for others?It is worse than coffee. In other words,to a few the words won't matter,but the rest will be effected, because for them words do matter.

So just think of words as dark chocolate. And remember, only a few like it's bitter taste.

I like dark chocolate,but that doesn't mean that you'll have to like it too.

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