From Within: Chapter 1

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This is a short story that I'm working on. It comes from my brother's mind which I have simply put into the words you see below. Guess I'm the articulate one and he the creative. Hope you enjoy it! 

The dimensions of the room are unknown be it from size or realm. The air is still here and light absent. This quiet environment, no, muted as if kept that way from an affliction of fear, or a command lends itself to disclose the presence of a being. That uneasy silence and tense darkness, black with hate and manipulation, make me uncomfortable, unwanted, loathed and despised. The feeling that I don't belong overwhelms me; I long to escape this place, as if, my being here was a threat to my own survival. Suddenly, a light appears and I am momentarily overjoyed and filled with relief. It, however, was momentary for what the light revealed was much worse than what the darkness hid.

This...monstrosity knelt like a stone gargoyle on the edge of a building. Its naked skin was unnatural and had the texture of leather. The creature stood, revealing its legs that resembled the intertwining branches of a tree where rough skin replaced bark. I felt the sensation of being watched, despite the fact that this thing did not possess eyes; there was no indentation between its forehead and cheekbones. In a flash, the beast was within arm's length and I could see the features of its face much more closely. Its nose was two small holes, pear-shaped, and red around the edges. It opened its mouth as if to show off its full set of teeth; teeth that looked familiar. The right molar on the bottom set had the same golden filling that mine did and the top left incisor was slightly crooked. It calmly raised its arm, its skin looking like the spirals around the neck of someone choked, and placed its hand on the top set of teeth. It repeated this movement with its other arm and placed its hand on the bottom set of teeth. When I first saw its true intentions I wanted to throw up and choke on my own vomit for that wouldn't be nearly as sickening as what I had become a witness to and would have, at least, provided an escape from my terror. But I couldn't, for the sight was captivating and horrifying. I felt myself paralyzed, unable to look away or move from this creature.

It was pulling its teeth from its mouth, one by one, seemingly without pain or hesitation. The blood gushed down its chin from each void where a tooth had once held it back. The crimson liquid, profuse and thick, trickled down its body, its legs, and painted the floor. The creature then walked closer and I could see my own eyes reflect off of its face. It gave a wide, toothless grin and vanished. It simply disappeared and with it, the light. I was once again covered by the cold darkness until I felt the warm blood from the beast's mouth touch my toes.

I awoke to the sound of crows flying from their perch, startled by something. I found myself sitting in the middle of the woods, feeling like I had passed out while it rained. The creature had only been a dream and its actions I did not care to decipher. But, if rainwater is cold, then why do I feel a warm liquid rolling down my chest? My feet feel like they're submerged in a puddle. I moved my mouth to check if my teeth were still there. “ shit shit shit!” I thought. There was an expanse of space where my teeth used to be. I screamed but it sounded muffled and incomplete. I heard the running water of a nearby river and headed towards it wishing that I was simply hallucinating, that the water's reflection would undo everything the creature did. But it didn't. That warm liquid I felt had been my own blood dripping from my mouth down my body and my teeth remained gone. This vicissitude of situation and atmosphere threw me in a panic. The nightmare had become reality and I would find no rest in my dreams. Only torture.

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