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Your POV:

As the first game is announced and Gray decides he will do this one you decide to look at the Dragon slayer once more. ''He, Natsu, do you know who those guys are?'' You ask while pointing at the two dragon slayers from Sabertooth. ''Yeah I do, that blond one is called Sting. And the other one is called Rogue I believe.'' He looks away from you as he is distracted by something. You look at the dragon slayer. "Rogue.'' You test out. Suddenly he turns his head towards you. 'He didn't hear me did?!' You thought panicking.You stare deep into each others eyes. You feel yourself getting really red. This was worse than usual. Suddenly Rogue gets really red too. 'What?! Why is he getting red?!' You thought mentally screaming. You look away and press your cold hands against your cheeks.'This is embarrassing.' 

Rogue's POV:

'Why am I so red. I don't understand.'' He slowly touches his cheek while still looking at (Y/n). She does the same thing. ''Hey, you alright Rogue?'' Sting shakes his shoulder. Rogue looks at him and nods. ''I'm fine.'' He says. His blush gets less red. Sting nods. ''Alright, whatever, if you say so.'' He turns around and the Sabertooth team, except for Rufus, starts walking out of the arena up to their balcony. When Rogue and the others of his team arrive at the balcony he notices their balcony is right next to fairy tails balcony. (y/n) is sitting on the railing swinging her (s/c) legs over the side. She looks so care free. And so beautiful.

Your POV:

Of course your teams balcony had to be right besides Sabertooths balcony. You raise yourself up to the railing and swing your legs over the edge. ''Be sure not to fall alright.'' Erza says. ''Got it.'' You say. You look down at the game happening below you. It's quite interesting really, even though Gray isn't doing to well. At the end of the game the Sabertooth guy annihilates all the other contestants. Fairy tail is in last place. ''Damnit.'' You mutter. ''It's fine. we'll make it up during the battles.'' Natsu says while smiling at you. You nod at him. "AND THE FIRST BATTLERS WILL BE...LUCY FROM FAIRY TAIL AND FLARE FROM RAVEN TAIL.'' The announcer blares through the microphone. ''You got this Lucy!'' You say. ''Heck yeah you do.'' Natsu says while patting her on her shoulder. Lucy smiles and walks down into the arena.

She is losing. This isn't good. ''What do you think is going on Natsuu...?'' You look around you. ''Where is Natsu?'' You ask Erza. She looks around. ''I have no idea.'' She says calmly. She then focuses back on the battle again. Lucy is losing badly. 'I don't understand.' You thin while leaning forward so far you almost fall off the railing. Suddenly Natsu yells something you can't really hear at Lucy. And just like that the tables have turned again. Lucy is winning. But the last spell she does. FAILS?! You look at Erza in shock. She looks back just as shocked. Lucy falls to the ground. ''They cheated, I'm sure of it.'' Erza states while closing her eyes. ''Most definitely.'' You say while you lean even further forward while the announcer announces Flare as the winner of this battle. Lucy lays on the floor crying. Natsu walks up to her and talks to her. She seems to cheer up a little bit. 'We will do better tomorrow.' You think as you throw your legs back over the railing again and standing up.

Rogue's POV:

'Oh thank god. I was sure she was going to fall. She was leaning so dangerously far forward all the time. I'm so glad she's okay.' Rogue thinks while letting out a deep sigh. ''You sure you're alright? You've been acting kind of weird lately.'' Sting says. ''I'm fine.'' Rogue says. He peeks over to the fairy tail balcony again. But (y/n) isn't there anymore. ''I'm gonna go get something to drink.'' Rogue says turning around and walking off the balcony. 'Maybe I'll run into (y/n)' He thinks while blushing a little bit. 'What am I doing?!'

Your POV:

"Thank you.'' You say to the cashier while giving them some jewel. You grab your bag of chips off the counter and start walking back to your balcony. You put your hand on both sides of the bag and try to rip it open. You weren't focusing on where you were walking so suddenly you bump into someone, dropping your bag of chips. 'Thank Mavis it was till closed.' "i'm sorry, I wasn't looking where I was going.'' I say looking down and picking up my bag of chips. When you finally look up, you look straight into the crimson red eyes of Rogue. ''No, i-it was a-all my fault.'' Rogue stutters while looking down at you. You feel yourself getting really red again. 'Mavis, why does this keep happening.' You think as you look away trying to keep your cheeks in control. ''N-no really I-I wasn't l-looking.'' You say while your cheeks seem to only get more red. You peek up at him again. You see his cheeks got very red as well. 'He is even cuter up close. WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME?!' 

Rogue's POV: 

'I've never seen her this close before.' A light glimpse of sunlight reflects on her shinning (h/c) hair. 'She is even prettier up close.' Her big (e/c) eyes look straight into his. He can't believe he actually ran into her. 'Why did I do this again. I had no idea what to say. I've been trying to think of something the entire walk here.' ''Well, uhm, bye.'' Rogue says while he dashes past her. 'Real smooth me.' He thinks while feeling the red blush on his cheeks get even worse. He peeks over his shoulder and sees (y/n)'s (e/c) eyes looking straight at him. He immediately looks back and starts walking faster. When he finally turned the corner he leans against the wall and clenches his fist on the place of his heart trying to get his heart to calm down. ''I suppose this is what the link feels like.'' He mutters before he starts walking again towards the shop. 

Your POV:

'Why did he want to get away from me so fast? Maybe his exceed is also bothering him about the link without him wanting anything to do with it.' You chuckle and start walking toward your balcony again with a fuzzy feeling in your stomach. Maybe you do want something to do with the link. If the link is with him. You smile to yourself and feel a slight blush rise to your cheeks. You're kind of starting to like the link. No wait, that's not it. You're starting to like Rogue.

Why won't you look at me that way? (Rogue x reader)Where stories live. Discover now