Breaking Point

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Chapter Thirty Five


"We found Stiles." 

The three words that I had been waiting to hear all night. 

As much as I would have liked to have been the one to find Stiles, Mama McCall and Agent McCall actually found him huddled up in Malia's old coyote den. But, all that mattered was that he was safe now and okay. He was indeed freezing like he had told Scott over the phone, but there was no sign of any kind of injury on his leg, no blood anywhere. 

Now, we were all huddled in a hallway at the hospital, waiting for Sheriff to come out and tell us how he was doing. I just wanted to see that he was okay for myself, I needed to hold him in my arms. 

"You okay, Otto?" Scott asked, draping an arm around my shoulder. 

I nodded, "Yeah, I'm fine...Glad they finally found him..." 

"Yeah, me too. Hey, we're gonna figure this out, we're gonna find a way to help him." 

"I hope so..." I mumbled, resting my head on his shoulder. "I can't even get myself to check the voicemails he left me because I just...I don't wanna hear him panicking and–" 

Scott's hand rubbed up and down my arm, "Then don't. There's no need to listen, alright? He's okay, he's here, don't even worry about it." He whispered as he gently took my phone out of my hand, sitting on the chair next to him. "You need to relax, and go home and get some sleep." 

"Sleep?" I scoffed, "Yeah right. Especially not with with this new sound in my head, I don't even know what it is but it's getting really obnoxious." 

His eyes narrowed, "What noise, Otto? I don't hear anything..." 

Of course he didn't, I'm the freak that hears things nobody else can. It started ever since I stepped foot into the hospital and hasn't stopped since. It can only be described as metal clanging together, it was a dull noise but still extremely annoying.  "Nothing, forget I said anything." Footsteps sounded down the hall and Sheriff soon came into view, causing me to jump up from my seat. "How is he? Is he okay? I-Is he resting?" 

A small sigh slipped from his lips, "Yeah, he's sleeping now and he's just fine." I let out a breath of relief, some of the tension I was feeling melting away. "He doesn't remember much. It's a bit like a dream to him." Sheriff's eyes shifted towards Agent McCall who was standing next to Melissa. "Thank you." 

"It was that repellent we sprayed in the coyote den to keep other animals out. I couldn't go near it without my eyes watering. It's just a good thing he mentioned it over the phone." 

Sheriff shook his head, "No, it was more than that. Thank you." 

"It was a lucky connection." 

"McCall, can you shut up please and accept my sincerest gratitude." 

We all watched as Scott's dad gave a small nod, putting his hand out to shake Sheriff's hand. "Accepted." 

Mama McCall walking over to where Scott, Lydia, and I were standing, "Alright, you three. You've got school in less than six hours. Go home, and go to sleep." She must have noticed the look in my eyes as she gave Scott a hug, "Autumn..." She whispered, coming closer to me. "Sweetie, he's fine, I promise I'll keep an eye on him, alright? Stiles isn't the only one sleep deprived, I can see it in your eyes. Try to go sleep as much as you can before school, if you don't sleep it'll make your day twenty times harder." 

"I just...I wanna see him." I said, moving my gaze down to the floor. 

Her hands landed on my shoulders, and before I knew it I was being pulled in for a hug. "I know, and you will. Tomorrow, after the both of you get rest." 

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