♚Chapter 4♚

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As me,Willow,and Kevin walked in the lunchroom I felt a solid hit to my face...Someone slapped me? I touched my cheek and left my hand on were it stung as I did that I heard the cafeteria go silent and began to gasp and whisper Willow wrapped her arm around mine. I looked up at Kevin and his face was locked the person who slapped me with a pissed look on him I turned to see who slapped me and sure enough it was a tall but not to short girl,blonde and blue eyes was looking right at me it was Ally I then started to laugh "Wow did you really just slap me? damn Ally I knew you were crazy but I didn't know you were dumb" I put my hands behind my head and started walking I noticed Allys face gotten redder by the minute "IM NOT DUMB Y-YOU ARE!" She tried to push me but I didn't budge I gave her thats enough look but she kept trying me "Ally enough seriously you fucked up its not my fault that you did okay? you call me dumb okay I don't care if that helps you sleep at night then okay but for now you can stop walk away and pretend that you don't know me and I don't know you deal? okay deal" I smiled and walked off and Kevin and Willow followed "HEY I NEVER SAID I WAS DONE WITH YOU!" She yanked me back and thats what really got me pissed but I took a deep breathe and looked at her with a confused face and simply replied with "Um...do I know you?" Then I shrugged and walked off and as I was doing that the crowd all laughed and started talking about what just happened I heard Ally growl but I just shook it off and went on with my life then Kevin patted me on my back and smiled hugely "Nice job man!" I smiled back and looked to my left were Willow was staring at me I gave her a confused look because I didn't understand that face or new emotion on her I then smiled at her "Are you admiring me?" I smirked and I saw that she started to blush and nodded her head no so then why was she looking at me with that unknown look? why don't I understand it?

I then stopped smiling and looked in her eyes "Whats wrong? I can tell that your confused with something..." She looked up at me in shock "N-nothing it was just well you know...when she slapped you why didn't you slap her back?" She looked down and I smiled "Well for 1 I'm a boy 2 she's a girl 3 I don't hit girls its disrespectful I mean thats not how I was raised" I looked down at that thought I wasn't raised like that my dad taught me that before my mom wanted to explore different kind of dicks being a slut and a whore I bet everyone knew her name...thats probably why we moved out of our small town..I then felt a hand on my shoulder and it shook me back to reality "Whats wrong Ace?" Willow still had her hand on my shoulder and we all sat down at a table "Nothing I was just thinking about my hair" Which was a lie but played it off by putting my hand through my hair and gave her one of my sexy smirks and noticed she looked down and blushed way more than usual and I chuckled abit and grabbed her hand and intertwined it with mine and looked at her with the corner of my eye and looked down,licked my lips and looked back up smiling I knew that would make her blush more

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Willows POV

H-he's holding my hand I looked up and noticed him looking at me with the corner of his eyes and then looked down,licked his lips then looked back up and smiled at me I widened my eyes and blushed even more then squeezed his hand and I saw him wince "Oh..um I-im sorry " while I said that I let go of his hands and covered my face "Nah,its fine" he grabbed my hand from my face and held it once more I allowed it this time and grinned then I looked up and saw Kevin looking at our hands with a wide mouth and wide eyes "WHEN DID THIS HAPPEN!" he got out his phone and took a picture of our hands and posted it on instagram saying ::RëãtìônšhįP Göåł'ś <3:: I can't believe he actually posted that I mean we aren't even dating right? I thought to myself  and blushed A-are we? I looked up  at Ace and he smiled at the picture "Thats a cute picture!" He pointed out how our hands fit perfectly in each others he had the most childish smile on just seeing him smile I just wanted to join in with him he's smile was just so perfect everything about him was perfect he looked like a porcelain doll like if you touched him he'll shatter and his beautiful gray eyes it looked like it changed colors from time to time it matched him so well with his dark but light brown wavy hair...after awhile I looked at his lips They look so soft.. he looked at me and smiled I smiled back and tightened my hand around his I just didn't want to let go of his hand just yet he gave me a surprising look but then put a straight face and rubbed his thumb on my hand to comfort me and it worked it did comfort me I then started to loosen up my grip on him and smiled then my eyes got wide as I realized that I like him...Alot!? He then let go of my hand and smirked why'd he let go? "I'll be right back I have to tinkle" He gave me a smile and winked at me I then giggled and nodded my head and with that he walked off towards the restroom and Kevin got up "Excuse me miss" he smiled and ran off towards Ace so it was just me,myself and I and a couple of other kids,then a boy came up to me with blonde hair and clear blue eyes and smiled "You must be lucky if you have Ace on your side he is a tuff nut to crack but you just slipped right in" I then smiled "Why is it so good for him to be on my side?" He gave me a confused look and gasped "WHAT?! because!!! he is tough and very intimidating nobody wants to get on his nerves he knows how to break someones heart by only saying about five words" I then stopped smiling and looked down Is he gonna break mine like what he did to the others? "Oh.." he grinned "So where did the two bad boys go?" I pointed to the restrooms "Names Mason" He then put his hand out for me to shake I then shook his hand and smiled "Willow" he smiled back and let go of our hands "SO how long has Kevin and Ace been out of school?" He gave a confused look then it changed to a smile "Oh yeah your a new transferred student...they been gone for about a 4 weeks" My mouth dropped as I heard that number he then laughed and I joined in with him then a blonde girl with brown highlights and blue eyes came with her posse and stood infront of me with a smug look I then raised an eyebrow at her and she smirked and threw her cup at me and I got drenched in pink lemonade "Oops I tripped..but lets get this straight okay? Ace is mine and mine only he just came back and he came for me so please back off you ugly ass whore if I EVER catch you holding hands,flirting,smiling, or EVEN looking at him shit will go down this is your first and last warning got it? get it? GOOD! " And with that she walked off with her posse behind her laughing my eyes started to water I was ready to ball my eyes out "Oh my god are you okay wait that was a stupid question of course you aren't jesus" Mason got up and grabbed some napkins and handed them to me I then heard Ace's voice getting closer and that is when I cried I couldn't hold it back anymore "Willow?" I heard his smooth voice he then hugged me and patted my back "Its okay no need to cry anymore I'm here for you now..." I started to hear his voice get harsh I looked at him and he wiped my tears away he reached in his bag and handed me his jacket "Who did this?" I didn't want to answer but she walked by us and I stared at her and he noticed I then heard his voice growl Jewels... he the looked at me and smiled gently like nothing ever happened "Don't worry i'll take care of it tomorrow I promise" I saw him,Kevin,and Mason the same look and I think that was the look that lead to trouble what have I just done? and with that I put on the jacket Its a good thing its almost time to leave school for free time I can go home change and shower...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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