Louis Tomlinson

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Hello, Im Louis Tomlinson. So I guess I'll tell you about myself, well im not human. Im a demon, and no we do not look like freaky little devil creatures. We look like you humans, the only diffrence is our eyes, you humans have normal color eyes. Demons have bright neon eyes. Im 18, well in human years, demon years im about 120. I have powers, I can control people, like make there bodies move make them say things, yeah its pretty cool. Im evil, but im not on the bad side, does that makes sense? Well see my Father is king of the underworld, so I was pretty much raised to be evil, but im not really. I mean im mean, to everyone only cause humans are annoying, but anyways, I came to visit earth, with my bestfriends, Zayn and Josh. So im pretty much just like a human, I breath air, I eat normal food, I have a normal heart beat, the only thing is I do not love anything or anyone, never ever will I. Love makes you weak, and destorys you.

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