Age 18

155 11 1

Yeah, I've seen every trend, every popular dance, every theory, and every scandal since 1921. The 70's afro, the 80's pop, I've lived it all. I've seen my younger sisters die before me, and my older sisters become younger than them. My face still holds the stubble it did in '39 and the same scab I got when I was 18. Most people love the thought of their eighteenth birthday, you think you're free, but you're only trapped until you meet the person you'll be with forever, and that's not the best thing either.

Zayn has had fling after fling, waiting to see if he had met his true love so he could begin to age. He loved life, there was no doubt about it, but he was ready to find his love and put full force on the pedals of life. And it didn't help that most of his family was gone, much before his time, and he was only left with the dying need to actually live.

** this is my second story, hopefully it is successful like my first- that is still in progress. Please check that one out (Color) along with this one. I hope you enjoy it!

Age 18 |z.m|Where stories live. Discover now