Truth Or Dare #12

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Cream: *looking at her phone* "Ummmm."

Rouge: "What's up?" *looks at Cream's phone* "Ummmm."

Cream: "Brenda?! Niesha?! Sonic?! Shadow?! Amy!? Get in here!!!"

Brenda,Niesha,Amy,Sonic,&Shadow: *walks in*

Shadow: "What's up? I was versing Sonic at a game and beating his ass." *smirks*

Sonic: "You was not!" *frowns*

Cream: "giggles anyway time for questions and dares." First is from TinkerRocks2016. I dare Brenda to kiss Niesha on the lips."

Brenda&Niesha: *blushes* "Ummm."

Brenda: *kisses Niesha*

Niesha: *eyes widen* *closes her eyes and kisses back*

Sonic: *looking at his wrist watch tapping his foot*

Brenda: *pulls away*

Niesha: *dizzy* "W-Wow."

Brenda: *smiles and giggles*

Cream: *eyes gleam* "I SHIIIIIPPPP IT!!!!!!!" *starts jumping around*

Amy,Shadow,&Sonic: *facepalm*

Cream: *calms down* "Okay next dare from the same person. She dares Amy to do something sexy to someone other than Shadow."

Shadow: "FUCK!!!"

Amy: *rolls her eyes* *goes over to Tails and whispers something in his ear*

Tails: *blushes* "U-ummm."

Amy: *giggles*

Cream: *eyes starts twitching* "N-Next one. This dare is from JavanTheHedgehog. He dares Shadow to lick Sonic's ear."

Shadow: *blushes and slowly licks Sonic's ear*

Sonic: *giggles*

Shadow: *smirks*

Niesha: "Yaoi!!!!!" *nose starts bleeding*

Cream: "All Shadow did was lick Sonic's ear."

Niesha: "He did it slowly, Cream. Just think about how slowly he can lick Sonic's-"

Cream: "OKAY!!!! Well that's it for today everyone I hope you guys enjoyed. Bye!"

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