Finger on the trigger.

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Kururi sighed. Her sister went out to get milk. Which made her feel lonely because she had to stay to guard the apartment. She sighed yet again, it was quiet there since Mairu was gone. So very quiet. Too quiet. She suddenly realized that she was feeling afraid because, someone was in her apartment. She got up to get a drink a water, gasping as a hand wrapped itself around her waist and pulled her up. She screamed. She kicked the person and ran to the cabinet and grabbed a gun.
'Iza-nii said this might come in handy one day' she turned and pointed the gun at the person. Her finger on the trigger, her eyes wide and filled with fear. The person grabbed her leg.
She screamed as a gunshot was heard.
Blood pooled around the person's head. Some on her face. She dropped the gun, her eyes wide. She got up and stared down at the person. Suddenly, Mairu walked in.
"Kururi! I'm baaaaaaa-AAAA! WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!", she screamed.
Kururi looked at her, "he attacked me."
She looked down yet again. She walked over to the dead intruder and put her hands on his wound, she saw the blood stain her hands. Her eyes widened. She screamed as Mairu ran to the phone and called the police.
The feeling of her finger on the trigger killed her, but she would forever feel it.

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