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The cover is Chrishell Stubbs who plays Aislin (Ash-Lin) , Hodgy Beats plays Dominic and Maddox is undecided.


I stood in line with the other girls who were counting their money for the month waiting for Master Maddox to come. Our pimp made it mandatory we call him that or we will get our asses beat.

I'm not like most of the strippers here....I didn't go to Maddox with a hunger for money or a dying family member. I was kidnapped by some of his men as I was walking home from school, I remember it like it was yesterday.


"Alright, see you later" my best friend Gandhi said as we walked out the school that had just held our dance recital . "You sure you don't want a ride?"

"No Mahatma, I'm fine." I said as I continued walking.

I didn't know the dangers ahead of me. They're were 3 men standing in the bushes waiting for me. When I got to the bushes. I felt hands reach out and grab me, I screamed on instinct but it was rendered useless because of the beat hands covering my nose and mouth. I breathed in and smelt chemicals... In a couple seconds I was out.


I really regret not taking up Mahatma's offer. I miss her so much.....From her weird ass name to the way it fit her. She was so graceful and such a peacemaker. Yes, her parents named her after the non-violent Indian leader, but it really fit her.

I was brought out of my thoughts when I heard Maddox enter the room. He inspected us one by one checking to see the amount of money we had. The ideal amount is 10,000 he takes half and gives you the rest....

This was a every month thing. If you didn't have the $10,000 there would be consequences. He would create a special consequence to fit each stripper. I don't know mine 'cause I never fuck up.

"Aislin, Where's yours?" I heard Maddox say snapping me out my thoughts. I took the money out my bag that I had on my shoulder and handed it to him.

"You know what Ash? , meet me in my office after the collecting is done." He said to me before moving on to the next stripper. I didn't know what to think. What would he do to me in there? What did I do?


I walked to Maddox's office and seen this very fine man sitting on the opposite side of him. He was light skinned with a small afro, he had lazy eyes and looked high.

"There she is, My prized possession Aislin." He told the man as he gestured towards me. "She never fucks up and even knows how to work her ballet dance shit in her pole dancing.... While still making it look sexy."

"How you doing Aislin?" The man whose named I haven't learned yet asked.

"I'm fine and you?" I Replied and he answered with a 'Okay'.

"Aislin, I want you to know i'm putting you on loan to Dominic..." He started. "His strippers are slackin' and I know you'll be the one to bring in the money and triple his club's profit."

I just nodded...I was worried. I heard that the men Maddox lent strippers to didn't even need help but used them for thier own personal pleasure.

"Good, go pack some clothes or whatever and meet Dom in the front." He demanded.

I speed walked out his office not knowing what was in store for me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2015 ⏰

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