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I was in what I assumed to be his bed chambers, but I would never know. He probably doesn't trust me enough to let me into the room where he sleeps, and he has every right to be that way. The room was very plain and boring to me, with the house holding such an antique classic feel to it I would assume that every room is highly decorated. I have been disproved. The walls were painted blue, it wasn't dark, nor was it light, but it is very obviously blue. I wish I knew the exact shade, that will continuously bother me. The floors were birds eye maple and there was a small cow skin rug placed off center. The walls held pictures, but they were more abstract and not as dramatic as the ones I had seen in the hallway and in Leo's room. The curtains on the room were a sheer white, which in daylight would allow a generous amount of light into the room. The comforter was a basic cream color, and everything else seemed to be decorated to the basic hotel standards. This room without the grand photos and cow rug is borderline boring, but in all actuality I love it. Too much character overwhelms me, this is the perfect amount.

"Kneel". I looked into his fierce eyes kneeling before him as he sat on the bed. Is he going to make me perform sexual favors? "Don't flatter yourself". I looked up to him questionably, can he read minds? "No, I can't read minds if that's what you're thinking, but I've been around long enough to know certain facial expressions". I looked down in submission, does it really show that much?

"Look at me". I looked up quickly not wanting to risk punishment. "I will never have sex with such a low life as you, I have class". I want to bust his jaw out, who is he to tell me about the amount of class I do or don't have? I may not have money, but I'm good quality in person. I believe I have nearly as much class as he does if not more, and that's not saying lots.

I licked my chapped lips and made sure I kept my eyes on his face not wanting to face punishment. What will he even do with me? He doesn't want sexual favors, and I can't cook well enough to suit his standards, I might be able to clean. I don't understand my purpose here at all. I'm Leo's slave, but I'm quite sure he's more than satisfied, and Dante doesn't even find any interest in me.

I could see a sickening look crawl into his eyes, and his fist curl. That's what I'm here for ... Fear coursed through my veins, but I wouldn't let it show. He ordered me to follow him, and for the first time I disobeyed. If he's going to hurt me anyways, I might as well be defiant. He sneered and grabbed my arms dragging me down the hallway.

"I'm going to have fun with you. You sorry son of a ... Disrespectful little .. I'm going to ..." I could see that there were very few windows in the room he took me to. A musty smelled filled my nostrils. We had to walk down several cases of stairs and I assumed we were in the basement. I fought and kicked and screamed, but it did no good. He was too strong. Is he too a vampire? Will be drink my blood? I didn't know if it was fear or adrenaline pumping through me, but it was terrifying and exhilarating all the same.

He strapped me to the wall and left the room. I could see all types of torture devices on the wall. He's going to kill me. I don't want to survive this, I hope that I do go. It has to be my time, I can't handle this for the rest of my life. Where's Leo? "Leo, Leo, Leoooooooo". I screamed wearing my voice out until my lungs were sore, but he didn't come. The whip to my skin burned, and I had no way to stop it from coming again, and again, and again, and again. There were no screams left in me, only open mouthed wheezes of air. Please let me die.

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