The Mindless Couple

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Kynny- Wake up turd!!!!! *throws pillow*

Jazz- What ?


Jazz- *Screams* When ??

Kynny- Tonight at 7

Jazz- Omg im so excited !!

Kynny- Duh , who isnt . i Cant wait to see my baby !

Jazz- Who ?

Kynny- PRINCETON !!!

Jazz- *rolls eyes*

Kynny- C'mon , Lets go to the mall and find something

Kynny's POV

We went to Forever 21 to find some pants bc you cant find mindless behavior merchandise in XXI

So i went straight to the High waisted shorts so i would look stylish for mb. I walked over there and saw a boy with cornrows . He was in he way -.-

Kynny- Excuse me , can you pass me those distressed high waisted shorts ?

??- Sure gorgeous , *passes them & turns around* Hi . im Princeton but you can call me Jacob .

I didnt want to go all fangirl so i was calm .

Kynny- Hi , im Kynny

Jacob- You look good Ma , Yoy coming to the concert ?

Kynny- What concert .

Jacob- You might be cute but you have no sense at all . *laughs* the mindless behavior concert .

Kynny- I wasnt planned to go ( playing hard to get )

Jacob- Well here are some tickets for you and your friend over there . *looks at jazzy*

Jazzy- *Waves like an idiot*

Jacob- *gives tickets to you* And some backstage passes *winks*

Kynny- Well thanks *blushes* , see you tonight .

Jacob- *smiles and walks away*


Kynny- I know , Chill out . now lets go get a mb shirt from Claires .

~ Claire's ~

Jazzy's POV

I went all the way to the back where the shirts were and i saw Prodigy from MB getting his ears peirced.

Jazzy- SEXY !!

Prod- Excuse me ?

Jazzy - Oh i was talking about the gum on the floor ...

Prod- Yea right , im Prodigy . And your name is ?

Jazzy- My name is Jazzy.

Prob- What a lovely name .

Kynny-*rolls eyes* Tic-Toc.


Prod- You have tickets for my show?

Jazzy- Yes , And backstage passes .

Prod- Oh , well see you later beautiful. *leaves*


Kynny- Now lets get back home so we can get ready !!

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