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"Hey Em get up your gonna be late!!" I hear my mom call from down stairs. I groan and struggle to get up but after a few try's I finally get there I staggered to the bathroom washed my face and brushed my teeth then I go and change out of my batman PJ set into long acid washed skinny jeans and gray Starbucks coffee shirt and grab a white beanie then I put my white converse on and grab my glasses and walk down stairs.
" hey mom hey Australia"
"Hey sissy"
Australia is little sister weird name I know but I love it she's so cute and sweet I love her to death she has long blonde hair and blue eyes. She gets her looks from my mom. I on the other hand get my looks from my dad.
I have long blonde and brown hair and big green eyes.
"So are you excited for your 1rst of school? Kiddo?
"Yes I am I can't wait to meet the new girls and boys in my class."
"That's great. I love you guys"
"Love you to " they say in unison I go to the garage lift the door and then get into my smart Car (yeah a smart car my dad was never around so when he came to my 16th birthday he bought me this car.) I absolutely love it but its to small so yeah. I have to go pick up my best friend Lauren for school. She has long curly red hair and green eyes. She's much more girly than me. She likes to wear dresses and heels but I'm more of a nerd/ hipster.
I pull up in her drive way and honk the horn a few seconds later here she came running in her silentos trying to keep her hair back out of her face I couldn't help but chuckle at how funny she looks in her heels.
" hey babe so I got you this when I went to Starbucks this morning!" she said handing me a caramel latte.
" Mmm I love you" I say taking a drink.
The whole ride Lauren was blabbing about how I needed to wear eyeliner saying it would bring out my eyes.
When we pulled up in the school parking lot I grabbed my bag and coffee giving Lauren a look of gratitude before she left to be with her boyfriend Alec. They had been dating for almost 2 years. They were perfect for each other. The guy I liked was Alec's best friend Matthew Espinosa. He was a Major hottie but he didn't have time for girls like me giving every other girl had their eyes on him. He was known for throwing the best party's ever.
"Hey Emily " someone said snapping me out of my thoughts.
I looked up to see Dylan and Levi smith twins the schools most hottest jocks.
" ugh hey Dylan hey Levi what's up? "
"oh nothing just wondering if you'd be willing to baby set Daniel Friday ? "
Oh ugh sure that's great I'm sure Australia will have fun with him."
Oh yeah and I happen to babysit their little brother Daniel. He so cute he's like a many version of them he's 7 and so adorable.
Thanks they say in unison before walking away.
Suddenly the bell rings and I hurry grabbing my books for CBA and running to class.
When I get in the class everyone's there an I'm the last one with every set of eyes on me I slide into my seat and try to ignore it.
Then everyone gets back to their conversations, the tardy bell rings. I pull out my homework From the previous day and turn it in then I look over at Matthew admiring his eyes down to his jaw line and his huge muscles--
" ahumm class today we will start our final projects for the semester. It will be a group of 2 project, you have a choice between making a yearbook of everyone and everything you loved this year or a scrap book of you and your friends. so Alec and Levi will be together. Lauren and Edward ( new kid he's a real nerd.) Matthew and Emily." When I heard I immediately looked over to Matthew, we share a glance before the teacher finishes The list. " now students get with your partners and discuss what you will be doing.
I start to gather my things and walk over to Matt's desk but he's all ready over here.
"Uh hey so do you wanna do a year book? although in my opinion there not that different. I ask.
" ughh I don't care here give me your phone."
"Why?"I blush.
" so I can put my # in so I can text you, duh"
" oh ok" i hand him my phone. my god what's wrong with me. My face feels like its on fire.
" don't flatter you're self its just so you can text me about the project." He smirks giving me a wink.
" yeah I got t-that " wow now stuttering Jesus I'm going soft and face still on fire.
"Ok I'll come to your house tonight ok so we can work on it. By the way we are doing a yearbook."
"O-ok s-sounds good.
"Yeah....... Ok see you later. " he says with a smirk.
God I'm so weird.! I run my hands through my hair before exiting the class. The rest of the day was kind of a blur except for 8th period.

" hey Emily " heather says with her high pitched voice.
" ugh hey heather "
" so I know that matt is going to your house tonight but don't get any ideas he wouldn't want a freak like you.! " she said with a sly smirk on her face.
" oh but he would want a herpes infested slut like you? " I say chuckling at what I said.
" Ugh what did you say ?" Her mouth is ajar.
" You heard me heather, bye" I say smiling before walking away.
"Wow what a bitch....."

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