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Matthews POV: "where does she live bro ? You said you lived on her street!!"
" Ughh I do I just don't stalk her !!"
Mhhhmm what ever "I groan and hang up the phone.
I don't wanna text her because I mean she's weird and she will probably take it the wrong way. But what the hell.
Hey what's your address ?
11645 brooks field Dr
Ok thanks I'm on my way.

I lock my phone and pull into her drive way. Her house is small and cute like a 2 story cottage. I get out and walk up to her door. Knock knock
"Hey matt " she says blushing slightly.
"Ugh hey" I say awkwardly scratching the back of my neck.
"Ugh come in I've gotta go get my stuff for the project I'll be back ok. "
"Sure " I pull out my phone and start browsing through my instagram when she comes back in.
" so where are you're parents? " I ask awkwardly
" oh there out they won't be back till 10" she says with a smile.
" oh ok so um what do you think we should do for our year book? "
" I think we should do like something different. We should do the football players with the nerds tutoring them and a nerd and a football player couple? I think ours should show how clicks aren't that important and that we don't have to be cliche."
" Hmm " I nod obviously annoyed.
" so do you like it? " she asks oblivious to my annoyed state.
" I think its stupid but if it will get us an a+ then fine by me!"
She looks at me nostrils flared eyes burning red I can almost see the smoke coming out of her ears. " its not stupid! If anything its perfect and Its what highschool should be like instead of you thinking its supposed to be the most popular 2 students dating. it's not about what everyone thinks and wants its about what you want and think about yourself. " She says through gritted teeth.
" ok whatever floats your boat. " I say amusement dancing in my eyes.
" ok I'm using all my strength not to punch you in the face right now!!! If my idea is stupid what do you think we should do? "
" simple a photo shoot with models and belly dancers."
" ugh your disgusting I can't believe I actually thought you were different. I can take the pictures you just have to get our models k? And I mean students from our school! "
" I am different I just don't like that people would judge me if I showed it at school or here, in this stupid place with you a weird girl who likes to take pictures of people and stand up for losers who don't even try to higher there social status. They could if they tried ya know. "
" maybe they wanna show who they really are ok? And those losers are some of my best friends I know there weird but there all I have. At least my friends actually support what I do, can you say the same? "
" hey ! ok I have lots of friends who are real and they except my goofy,weird, out there side they just don't go to this school. I love them and but I can't just be all weird and awkward in this school my parents want me to act like this. Plus its cool. I'm the most popular guy in school and I get who ever I want. Like right right now I'm dating the hottest girl in the school and she gives me everything I want. "
She erupted in laughter.
" haha oh hold on "she holds 1 finger up while wiping away a metaphorical tear.
" you actually think she cares about you? Haha your so pathetic all she cares about is sex and popularity. She doesn't give 2 shits about you. Its surprising that all you care about is sex. I used to have a tiny crush on you but now I don't even wanna do this project with you.!! Ah " she covers her mouth really fast her face turning crimson red.
" I-I d-didn't mean to say that." She's looking at the floor now.
" Oh hold up. You had a crush on me? Hahaha hahaha hahaha that's fantastic. That's why your dising heather. "
" no I'm telling the truth she doesn't care about you Noah knows. " she says with a smirk.
" what are you talking about? "
"Come on let me show you something."
She leads me outside a few houses down and we get to Noah's house I had been there a lot since he is really cool and has lots of video games.
We go around back to the basement door and she opens it. " go in and I'll follow."
I do so curious to what she's showing me.
when I walk in Noah's on the coach laying face down on top of some one making out and I clap my hands. " wow Noah you playa I didn't know you had it in ya ." Then he lifts up raps the blanket around his bottom half and I see heather laying on the couch with her bra and under wear on. My mouths ajar I'm speechless. 1 of My best friends screwing my girlfriend.
"Ugh matt ugh this isn't what it looks like " Noah stutters.
When I finally am able to speak its not what I wanted to come out.
" I kinda thought heather was a 2 faced whore. " I say with a laugh and then I hear Emily laughing behind me.
heather follows my gaze back to Emily.
"You , you bitch you did this.!" She says walking towards her
" yeah ya know well maybe matt should know that your a slut."
" I should kick your ass " Heather says slapping Emily.
" oh you shouldn't have done that. "
Next thing I know Emily has heathers hair wrapped around her left fist and beating her with other, damn. Noah's in the back filming it.
" hash tag nerd beats slut!!" Noah yells enthusiasm lacing his voice. I roll my eyes wow I still can't help but love him.
" well that was fun but I must be going now. I loved beating the shit out of you Heather I did we'll have to do it again sometime." I here Emily say while walking out the backdoor and heather is laying on the floor unconscious.
" wait what about her ? " I ask pointing to Heather.
" what about her? Noah fucked her he can get her out of here! "
" actually I didn't fuck her ok? I almost fucked her. At 1rst I was just tutoring her and the she came on to me and asked me if I was single ok? I told her I was but I couldn't do that to matt and she said they broke up?! I'm the only guy that's a virgin in my grade! That's why I agreed to screw her. " after that I just looked at her and him and said " let's take her to Julies house"
Julie's Heather's minion .
" ok then what should we do ? " Emily asks a shy smile on her face she's looking down.
" um we gotta celebrate you kicked heathers ass!!! Huh matt !"
" yeah she did, where should we go?? " " how about McDonald's my treat ? " says Emily.
" no way bruhhh you deserve a reward my treat you killed it fighting her. " Noah says chuckling.
" ok McDonalds it is now we can drop her off on the way . " I say with a smile
We drive to Julies house and Noah drops heather off on the porch then knocked 3 times and ran like hell.
This was a fun night if you ask me .we enter mcDonalds and go to the counter Emily orders a large caramel frap with a double quarter pounder and a large Fry's.
I order the same with a mt.dew
Noah gets the same.
" damn I like a girl with a hardy appetite." I say laughing
" well I'm not into salads that much"
Emily says blushing .
This was fun . I can't help but think she's kinda fun to hangout with. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2016 ⏰

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