A late night attack

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Have you ever felt drop dead tired but couldn't sleep? Have you ever lied exhausted in bed, every muscle aching from exertion yet your brain was still running a thousand kilometers an hour? If no then your lucky. Lucky to have a more normal brain than mine, although that's not saying much. But if you said yes, then we have something in common. It's not a fun thing or a interesting thing but it's shows that were in some way, the same. Now I don't know if that's good for you or not, but it just is.

These feeling of restlessness while absolutely dead are a common occurrence for me. Every night I lie awake, perfectly still trying to trick my brain into thinking I was already asleep. As you can imagine, it didn't work. Sighing in defeat I turn over facing away for my door, trying a new position, knowing it wouldn't work. After another fifteen minutes I was ready to give up and go watch Netflix, but just as I was about to leave my door opened. Slowly, and silently a faint light filled my room. I didn't know who it could be, my parents are away for the weekend, my brothers at a friends house. Again, I was perfectly still as the person walked towards me, only one set of footsteps could be heard bouncing off my bedroom walls. A second before I decided to fight and scream my way out I felt something prick the back of my neck.

Soon I couldn't move, then I couldn't hear, then everything went dark.

I woke up swaying, my arms and shoulders sore. A fog rested over my brain making it hard to think but slowly I remembered the last few seconds before I fell unconscious. Panic started to rise in my chest but I pushed it down swallowing the lump that was forming in my throat. Twisting I surprised my kidnappers making them let go. While falling I twisted and landed on all fours quickly getting traction under my feet and sprinting away.

Now, I wasn't the fastest running in my grade but I was close, placing second in the 500m sprint last track season. Being tall and lean helped as my legs pushed me forward and away from my attackers. Looking around I found I was only a block and a half away from my house. Putting more power behind every step I ran faster and faster towards the gate in my back fence. If it weren't for the kidnappers behind me I may have even enjoyed this little midnight run but as it was, I was terrified.

Once they got over their shock the people who had been carrying me started towards me. I was just crossing the road when I heard them approaching behind me. I didn't dare look back but I could hear them closing in fast. It didn't make sense how they could catch up this fast while I was going top speed. Pushing myself harder, using the adrenaline coursing through my veins I made it to the street beside my house. I was so close but I knew from the noises behind there was no way I'd make it, they were right behind me.

I braced myself for a body slam or a grab from behind but instead all I got was pain. One quick slash and my back felt like it was on fire. Automatically I arched my back screaming out as I can to a full stop. My brain trying to make sense through all the pain going through me. Just when my breathing was starting to come back to me two arms wrapped around my midsection and then quickly retreating, leaving behind two more sets of claw marks.

Another scream left my lips as my breath left me again. I stumbled forward a few feet before falling to my knees, my thoughts completely scrambled. Through the fog surrounding my brain I heard a voice hiss from behind,

"Kelly! We need her alive!" the voice was old and rough like someone who had had a cough for a month.

"Whatever, if she's a little scraped up it's no biggie." 'Kelly' replied, she sounded almost bored and a lot younger than the first voice. She reminded me of one of those really popular cheerleaders in high school. People like that get under my skin easily and with the bit of anger that went through me at her words and tone I turned around, ready to face them down.

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