Version 2.0

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The sudden flow of hot liquid in my veins makes my body jump start.

I gasp, trying to swallow large amounts or air.

"We have a few questions to ask you Arya. You are going to have to come with us to the conference room." The familiar serpent like voice of Dr. Vegapunk filled my ears.

I open my eyes but it feels like I am on an acid trip. Everything is too bright and too high def to focus on anything. Vegapunk just looks like a giant white amoeba. 

My head bobbles up and down obediently.

Trying to focus on the moving floor below, I push myself off my bed and step, completely missing the floor and end up in a sudden free fall.

However, I don't hit the ground but am scooped up by another white figure, and am placed and strapped into a wheel chair.

I turn my head toward the figure, words stumble out of my mouth, "Thank you. Sorry that I am not functioning properly today."

From in front of me, I hear Vegapunk's almost caring sounding voice, "It is all right. I woke you up too early for everything to be completely reset, but the government waits for no one. Just a few simple questions then you can go back to bed."

"Thank you sir. You are too kind." My voice comes out polite and robotic.

At the end of my ride I find myself in room with a few more blobs of color that I can only assume are people also.

The navy blob starts, "Okay everyone. We are here today to talk about imprisoning the Shichibukai Dracule Mihawk on counts of treason from thirteen years ago and from the recent act a few months ago."

*Mihawk -a little before the trial*

I cast my eyes down and glare at one of the marines escorting me through the halls of the marine base on Furawa, my home. "This better be important. I have better things to be doing than wasting my times on a conference call." 

The grunt trembles bellow me, his voice cracks, "It is very important sir. I assure you that Admiral Kizaru and Vice Admiral Micah are very appreciative that you came all the way here with your busy schedule."

I stare unblinking at the grunt until he shrinks down, "Here we are sir."

Pushing open the door I see the Admiral and the Vice Admiral lounging at the table.

"Wellllllllll if it isn't my favorite Shichibukai. Busy brooding on that gloomy island of yours?" The Admiral languid tone is already on my nerves.

"Admiral what is the meaning of me being here?" I question in a flat annoyed tone.

The admiral takes a beat too long to answer so Micah eagerly jumps in, "It about you daughter Mihawk. As you probably know she has become a pirate...."

I turn my head toward him, "I am aware. After you were tricked by her on Jade Island, she ran off with Straw Hat mongrels. She got herself a bounty of 300,000,000 beli. Are we really here to discuss the disappointment that is my daughter?"

"Accctuaaaaaalllly. We have been trailing her since Matsuri Island. Had quuuuuuuuuuuiiiiiiiite a battle with her. She has grown quiet strong. Made even me sweat a little." Kizaru slowly informs me, "After thhhhhhhaaaaaaat we ran into her again but this time with a little help from the science division we captured her. And noooooooww." A smirk rests on his face.

I sigh and fold my arms, "Are you trying to tell me that she is rotting in Impel down with the other criminals. Fine, but that is hardly a reason to make me come all of the way here."

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