Go Right

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I didn't get much sleep. The same nightmare kept playing over and over in my head. I couldn't get the scene out of my head. It constantly haunted me. The only thing that helped me forget, even if it was for a few moments, was Tre. He was the only good thing in the nightmare I was living in. He treated me like an actual live human being.

When I finally began to drift off again, a cell opened. I looked up, as a gang member pulled Tre out his cell. He was short, dark skinned and kinda chubby. From his appearance, I could tell that he didn't groom well. He had on a pair of basketball shorts that were to small, and a dirty white tee. His goatee and hair were bushy and nappy, indicating that he hasn't brushed or shaved them in a while.

"Better pray," Knell told him, while grinning. Worry washed over me as I stared at them, sitting up on the bed. Tre didn't even glance up. He kept his eyes to the floor and walked away, but Knell looked at me.

"You're next," Knell said, smiling evilly. Suddenly, my cell was opened and I was yanked up by a guy named Pack. He was about 6'2, thin, and brown skinned. He had on khaki joggers and a black polo. I gasped, when my weight was put on my legs all at once. Tre must've heard, because he finally looked up. Anger flashed in his eyes. Knell suddenly fell to the floor and Tre was running towards Pack and me. Pack hadn't noticed any of this yet, and still had his back turned.

"Let her go!" Tre yelled, before landing a fist on Pack's jaw. Pack stumbled back and let me go, to hold his aching jaw. Tre didn't even give him a chance to fight back, before kicking him between the legs. "Run Delilah," He instructed, as Pack fell to his knees in pain.


"I said go!" Tre shouted grabbing and pulling me along with him. The stairs in the the building were pretty narrow, so Tre and I had to run up single file. He slowed down, letting me in front if him. I mentally smiled at his actions. While running up the stairs, I heard a pained groan. I looked back, to see Pack twisting one of Tre's arms behind his back. I stopped in my tracks, and turned around, planning to help Tre get loose.

"Keep going Delilah. Don't worry about me," Tre said straining.

"I wouldn't," Pack objected, "keep running, and I'll brake it," He warned, making Tre gasp. Then, Knell appeared at the bottom of the stairs.

"Go Delilah, I'll be fine," Tre insisted, forcing a strained smile. Pack handed Tre off to Knell and came after me. "Go!" He yelled again, "If they catch you, you might never see your family again," He reasoned. After that, I took off in the other direction. When I got to the top stair case, I turned left. Then I remembered what Tre told me yesterday. He must've planned this, I thought. Since I couldn't turn around, I continued to run down the long hallway, looking for a way out. The hallway had few rooms. I was running out of hallway and getting tired, so I ran to a rugged, wooden door. When I tried the door, my gown was grabbed and I was pulled back. I fell into Pack chest. He grabbed my arm and twisted it behind my back.

"Bad idea," He scolded. Pack pushed my arm further up, until he heard a snap. I screamed in pain and fell to the floor. "Don't underestimate me." He said with amusement, standing over me. I smiled at him.

"I could say the same thing," I said before kicking his knee in. He stumbled backwards.

"You little bit-" His head hit the concrete floor before he could finish. He groaned and rolled over. I got up and ran past him, holding my arm. When I was almost to the end of the hallway I involuntarily slowed down, as the pain in my legs increased to the point where it was almost unbearable. I turned down the hallway in the right. This hall way ended with two doors. I went in the right one, sticking to what Tre told me.

The room was dark and it smelled weird. I felt around for a switch, trying not to trip over anything. Once I finally reached the switch, I flicked it on and turned around. The floor was smeared with dry blood and the smell was intoxicating. There were 3 body bags stacked on a table near a door and two stacked on the other, closer to me. I gaged when I realized 3 of the 5 body bags were full. The smell must've been them and probably all the ones that have been in here before. I pinched my nose, and made my way over to the door by the full body bags. My good hand swallowed the knob and twisted it. A cooling breeze hit my face, as I pushed a wooden door. A short hallway hid behind the door. The hallway was cold and muggy. A heavy, metal door stood at the end. It was sealed with a rusty lever. I pulled the lever up and push the door, but it wouldn't budge. I pushed harder and felt it slowly inching open.

"Come on," I whispered, pushing the heavy door with all my might. When I finally got the door open, I figured out why it had been so cold in the hallway. It led me to a huge meat freezer, with frost blanketing everything in it. Body bags sat, lined up on tall shelves. A bit of fog stopped me from being able to see far in the sizable freezer. I flinched, when the door shut firmly behind me. I ran back and tried to reopen it, but my efforts were pointless. It was locked from the outside. I didn't know where else to go, but the room began to get colder. I didn't see another way out, so  I did the only thing I knew, 'go right,' into the fog.

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