Chapter 17- Goodnight Beautiful

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After a long flight we finally arrived in LA. When we got off the plane and entered the airport Hannah and I grabbed a bite to eat before it was to time to head to our hotel. While we ate Joel had rung giving me directions on how to get to our hotel, He suggested we took a taxi which turned out to be a great idea as it would have been one long walk. When we arrived at the hotel we were greeted by Ryan and Andy we wondered where Joel and Adam were but we didn't ask for too much infomation. " HELLO THERE GIRLIES" Andy shouted as he pulled us both into a hug, " Hello, Where are the others" I questioned while stepping back from Andy's hug." Wait and see, Excuse me mrs where is my hug then" Ryan said while standing there with his arms open wide I sighed and quickly gave Ryan his hug I gave him a warm smile. Soon after this Hannah and I were checked into the hotel and were on our way to our room.

The lobby's of the hotel were lovely so we were very excited to see what the rooms would be like. Joel had booked us a room each which had a door linking to each other's room which was great ,of course me and Hannah liked that because we could hang out when ever we wanted during our time at the hotel. After we had settled in I decided to watch a bit of TV which passed a bit of time, Just as the programme got that little bit interesting there was a knock my door. I got up and popped my head around the door to see Joel standing on the lobby with a bunch of beautiful pink roses. My face lit up when I saw him. " Are those for me?" I asked while giving Joel a cuddle. " Yes did I choose the correct bunch?" Joel asked " Yes they are so beautiful, Thank you, Thanks so much for inviting me over here with you, I'm really sorry for my stupidity back home" I said with a sigh. " I'm glad you like them babe, It's an apsolute pleasure I love you so much, Now go and put those flowers in some water and meet me in reception in 2 hours time" Joel said with a huge grin. " I love you too, Okay then, See you at 7pm " Huge smiles erupted over my face. " definatlely" Joel said while kissing me on the cheek. After Joel left I knocked on Hannah's door and told her that I was going on another date and needed some assistance to get ready.

Before we knew it the time was almost 7, I said bye bye to Hannah and made my way to the reception. I had decided to wear my white floral print dress with my cream coloured converse I thought I would wear something comfortable seeing as I was unsure as to where we were going. when I entered the reception area I saw Joel standing by the enterance of the hotel he looked stunningly beautiful I approached him and he held his arms out for a hug, I met those arms and he hugged me tightly we stayed in this position for about 2-3 minuets. " Hello beautiful" Joel said while gently taking my hand and kissing it. " Hello Joel" I replied with a smile. " Shall we go then" Joel said while offering my arm to link with his. I nodded gently with a smile on my face. We left the hotel and caught a Taxi Joel held my hand the whole journey through. We chatted generally and admired the view's which we passed. We arrived at a lovely restutant situated in the middle of New York city. Wow I thought to myself as we walked through the door." Wow this is beautiful Joel, It smells so lovely" I said while admiring the view. " Not as beautiful as you" Joel said with a lovely smile across his face. " Stop it you " I replied with a giggle. A member of staff met us and Joel told them his name meaning he must have booked us a table. When we were seated and settled Joel passed me a menu and I started to choose what I wanted. I scouted the pages looking for something to eat. Generally I'm a fussy eater so it took me a while to find something suitable. " Have you decided yet" Joel asked " No not yet, I'm still deciding I wont be long" I replied with a smile trying to hurry my descision. " Okay" Joel answered. After a few moments I finally made my choice. Joel waved over a member of staff. " What would you like sir, Maddame" The member of staff asked. " Could I get the italiano Calliloni please" Joel asked. " Certainly sir, And for you Maddame" I swalloed hard and said " Could I have the Italiano Lasagne please" The waiter jotted our orders down and hurried away to the kitchen. " He was a bit posh wasn't he " Joel said while giggling cheekily. " Yeah he sure was, I can't reacall the last time I've been called a Maddame" I said as I took a sip from the glass of wine which was freshy poured for me by the waiter. Our meals were soon ready and soon enough we had finished eating. After we ate Joel paid the bill and asked me if I wanted to go anywhere else I told him that I would much rather head back to the hotel because I was generally tired because of the long flight. The journey back was lovely, Joel and I held hands I rested my head on his shoulder and we chatted softly, I let out a gently yawm and softly drifted off to sleep. When we arrived back at the hotel Joel gently tapped my shoulder waking me up suddenly. " Oh my I'm really sorry I didn't mean to fall asleep on you" I said with a look of horror on my face " No worries, lets get you to bed come on"Joel said while lifting me gently off of the ground and carrying me inside. " Okay" I smiled, I held onto Joel while he carried me up to our floor. " Do you want to sleep in my room tonight or your's" Joel questioned. I gave it some thought " Your's please" I replied with a smile. " Perfect" Joel replied while opening the door to his room. He gently carried me all the way to the bed he moved the cover and put me down on the right side of it and kissed my head. " Goodnight beautiful" I smiled at him and said " Night Joel". I turned over and fell into a deep sleep. The smile on my face was huge. I really felt safe and secure with Joel and I generally believed that he was the one.

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