To be human

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I'm a cyborg, I think.

But I feel human.

Right to my very core I feel like a 28yr old man. But I don't look it. My skin is metallic. Those rare days when I see the outside, it glitters in the sunlight. Where I know there should be bones and muscles, there are pistons. I know this, I can hear them at night as I lay awake in my bed.

But he tells me I am human. He tells me all humans are like this. Made up of modular parts that can be removed and attached at will. I don't believe him though. He doesn't look like me. He is made of flesh and covered in fabric layers with words like "Mad Catz" written on them.

Every now and then I hear him talking with the others like him. They are usually talking about me. About how they have new things like "Macro Vision" for me to be tested with. Other times I can hear them laughing with each other. I don't remember the last time I laughed, I'm not even sure if I remember how. I have some memories of some distant past, but now, it's just of in here and those moments in the sunshine.

I think, maybe I could just... Ah. He's coming in.

“Right, today we will be testing out some new parts.”


“It's quite exciting actually, we have some new excavation tools which could mean that it will take half the time to get vital metals from the underground to the surface.”

“Am I going underground to test these parts?”

“Yes you will be. We'll need to put you to sleep during the procedure whilst we attach the upgrades and get you set for the next few months.”

“Will I get to go outside before the testing begins?”

“No. There isn't any need for you to do that anymore. In fact, the testing will be performed on site in order to save costs. Okay, that's everything I needed to say. I will be back later to get you prepped a ready.”

He leaves.

I should have struck him. I mean I could have hit him. But I didn't. Why didn't I strike him?!

I could have escaped. Well maybe. I don't know how big this place is. Could I even make to the outdoors? I know the way, but there are so many checkpoints...

I don't think I can take this anymore.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2013 ⏰

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