My 4th grade incident

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It all started when I went on a fire drill, my teacher and our class were walking, when we stopped there was a bunch of bees where we stopped so we kept moving on. When the drill was over I was arguing with my teacher (I don't remember why) she said lets go and after that I threatened her with a brick, she said she was going to take me to the guidance counselor after we get inside. So she took me to the guidance counselor it was the end of the day and the guidance counselor told me I couldn't leave until my mom got to the school, which I thought to myself was pretty fucking stupid, so my mom got there and talked to the guidance counselor and the the guidance counselor and my mom talked to me about getting a "psychiatric evaluation" I didn't know what that was at the time so after that evaluation they didn't determine anything only recommended me for therapy.
A couple of months after that I decided to buy a cap gun with the money my mom gave me (one of those fake guns that have those ringed ammo). I got to school I told my friends and they wanted to see so I showed them, they wanted me to fire a cap off in my bag and I said no, so my friend reached into my bag and pulled the trigger of the cap gun and it set off creating a noise and some smokeish smell. My teacher heard it and smelt it coming from my bag so she took me to the principals office and the principal called my mom and told me I flew under the radar because it was the end of the school year, she told me I could've gotten a "Superintendent suspension" I was grounded for a couple of days and my mom decided to shrug it off.

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