Another 'Normal' Day

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                                                    DONYA'S P.O.V

"No mom!I promise I won't do it again!!"I cried out as my tears kept spilling like a waterfall.Now from your point of view I'm just in an argument with my mom,well I'm actually abused,and the wicked witch of the west isn't my mom,my mom actually died of cancer 3 years ago,and I was there to witness her..My dad,well when my mom was preggo with me my dad ran away to some where so..Now Back to the point,this is my mom's sister,Abby.She absolutly hates me and always says I'm a mistake.My mom on the other hand was sweet,caring,and always there when I needed her,nothing like the bitch I'm dealing with.Now she demanded me that I call her 'mom' or else I get hit,now she has a large collection of things to hit me with,and has gained over the years,yeah years,been with her since my mom died,and I couldn't go on my own scince I was just 14 years old.But yeah she has a paddle,(wooden)to beat my arm and legs with,and she knows karate so she kicks me in the stomach really hard if I 'mis behave'.That to her is if I basicly do anything related to fun,or cooking the wrong meal,or not how she likes it and I have so many bruises that I can't even count.Theres only 2 things that make me happy,music,and drawing.

I love to sing,but I obviously can't around my mom,so I choose to do it at school,the park,or Starbucks,or wherever it makes me happy,and thats how I earn money.Singing at the park draws a lot of attention so people started giving me 20 dollars just to watch me sing,there has even been people who give me 50.I do it everywhere,especially at Starbucks,Over there I get free coffee or tea if the staff liks my singing.Which is probably every day,ha.I remember the first day:


"She was driving last Friday on her way to Cincinati 

On a snow white Christmas eve,going home to see her mama and her daddy with the baby in the backseat."I was lightly singing to myself ,well I thought.I heard clapping,and people telling me to keep going,so I did,but louder.

50 miles to go and she was running low,on faith and gasoline,it been long hard year,

she had a lot on her on mind and she didn't pay attention she was going way too fast,

Before she knew it she was spinning on a thin blacksheet of glass,

She saw both there lives flash before her eyes,

she didn't even have time to cry she was soo scared,

she threw her hands up in the air,

Jesus take the wheel take it from my hands,

cause I can't do this on my own!

I'm letting goo 

so give me one more chance,

to save me from this rode I'm on

Jesus take the wheeeeeeel"

After I was done singing the first verse I heard clapping and bunches of people were trying to give me cash but I pushed it away and said,"I don't need your money."

"Yes you do,I can tell it from your eyes that your scared,please take it and I love your singing,please do it again sometime,oh and heres my card,love.Please see if you can come sometime so we can sign you in to be a professional singer."A man said,he had brownish,greyish hair,and looked as though he didn't smile much,I looked at the card and it read:

SYCO Music (234)-654-7865 @SimonCowell and an adress.(A/N The number isn't real :P)Then I looked at the money he gave me,2000 WHAT!!2000 dollars,I need to tell him to take it back,but when I looked up,he was gone,after him I saw 20 more people lined up,and there was a hat right next to me,with a lot of money in it,I decided to keep the hat,and use it for other times.

END OF FlashBack

Now I have saved up to 7,923 dollars.

I also love to draw,last year my art teacher said that if I show my drawings to a famous artist the I might get a scholarship to and art college,a lot of people say that with my singing to.

I got snapped out of my thoughts with a kick in the stomach,"Did you hear me bitch??"She said so close that I could smell her breath:alchohol."Uhh  Y-Yes Ma'am."I stuttered

"Then what did I say??"She said teasing me so I could get punched in the throat."Uhh I-uh."Is what all came out till I felt a kick,and then sirens,last,it was black.


I woke up to fine myself in the hospital with nurses and police next to me and I have a gown on,which means they could see my bruises,every where,except my stomach.I pulled myself under the blankets as fast I I could,'mom'would kill me if the police looked at any of my bruises.Too late now.Now there just going to ask questions,hopefully they didn't notice that my 'mom'did this to me.

"Hello Miss Donya,you have the right to remain calm,we are here to help you not to hurt you."One of the officers said with a husky voice.

"Who abused you in these sort of ways?"The same one asked,eager to get it out of me.

"M-M-My A-A-Aunt."I managed to stutter out.

"What is your Aunt's name?"The second one asked.

"Abby,Abby Gast."I got out,I still have a large lump in my throat.

"So,what did she do to you?"A lady officer asked still throwing a bunch of questions about me.

"Uhh What does it look like??I was abused 3 freaking years and only NOW you managed to wrap it up your little heads??Really 3 freaking years,and now you show up!"I yelled getting extremely angry.

"Well there was a man who called himself,Simon who was watching you through your window and said that the first time she hit you,he called us."The lady said trying to calm me down.

"Was he stalking me?"I asked getting a bit calmer

"No,he was wealking along the streets of London and heard you scream,so he looked to see what was wrong."She said trying to explain in a way she knew I would understand.

"Can you get the doctors to bring him in here?"I asked hopefully so I could thank him dearly.

"Yes I will go get that done now,"The male one said while running off to go get him.

About 5 minutes later he came back with-OMG,"Is that really you?"I said in disbelief..

Hey!! I hope you like it Cupcakes!!Comments,voting,and Feedback is welcome,very welcome!! Love you!xx ~Awesomeness

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