The Insiders

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The Insiders

Chapter One- Ponyboy's POV

I woke up Monday morning to the sound of a loud clattering from outside. I don't like being woken up early, considering its summer and I don't have to wake up for school. I peeked out my window and saw a big white van parked on the street. I went into the living room where all the other boys were already waiting for Darry to finish breakfast.

"Morning Pony!" Soda shouted as I walked into the living room.

"Morning." I replied. "Anyone else hear all this racket?"

"Yeah. I think someone is moving in next door. Saw the boxes this morning." Two-Bit commented.

"Well what're we waiting for? Lets check it out!" Dally said.

"Don't you boys want breakfast first?" Darry asked.

"We'll take it to go!" Johnny replied. We all grabbed a piece of chocolate cake and a coke and took off out the door.

Chapter 2- Ponyboy's POV

All the boys (minus Darry) walked up to the house. It was a newer house, the nicest one on the block. We all gathered in front of it.

"Man, this is a nice place." Dally commented.

"Yeah. Yeah it is." Steve said.

"Well, come on! Lets go say hi!" Soda remarked.

"Um... Soda... Not sure that's a good idea. We don't know these people!" I said, trying to use my head.

"Aw come on Pony. Loosen up! You're starting to sound like Darry." Two-Bit joked. Soda went right up to the house and rang the doorbell. A few seconds passed, and the door opened to reveal a beautiful brunette with silky hair.

"How may I help you boys?" she asked in a sweet voice.

"We just came over to say hi. We live right next door." Soda proceeded to introduce everyone. "I'm Sodapop, that's Ponyboy, Dally, Steve, Two-Bit, Johnny, and there's Darry too, but he stayed home.

"Well, it's nice to meet all of you. Would you like to come in? I think the girls are up." she offered.

"Sure!" Dally said, having heard the word "girls" mentioned. We walked into the house. The inside sure was nice. The girl lead us into a large living room where pretty girls sat on nice furniture.

"My name is Skyler. I'm nineteen. These are my best friends. We live here together." Skyler gave a nice smile. A bubbly brunette spoke next.

"Hi! My names' Ashley! And this is my sister, Karsyn!" Ashley motioned to a tall girl with light blonde hair. "I'm seventeen, she's sixteen." Ashley added.

Dally leaned over and whispered, "Dibs on that one." loud enough so only we could hear. A dark, curly-haired brunette piped up.

"I'm Macy! I'm seventeen too. Ashley and I have the same birthday." she said. Lastly, a girl with strawberry blonde hair spoke.

"I'm Hallie. I'm seventeen too!" Hallie gave a friendly smile.

I had never seen girls this pretty. They were dressed so nicely, like real Socs would be. But they seemed so nice! And every one of them was drop-dead gorgeous. I didn't even know what to say. One by one, we all introduced ourselves. Skyler turned and spoke to Sodapop.

"How about all of you come over tonight for dinner? And bring that Darry fellow along. I'll order pizza. We can eat outside and have a nice housewarming party!" We all nodded in agreement. With that, we left their house. Somehow, I think tonight will be the best dinner ever.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2013 ⏰

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