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A day has gone by and you know you wont see him for awhile, you live in indiana and he's going to Toronto Canada to play a show there. But you get a call from him and he says "i have to ask you something when i get back to the U.S. I'll drive down to you when im in new jersey, it will take a few hours but lets hope its worth it." And your kind of nervous because you have no idea what hes going to ask you and you say "okay, what does it have to do with?" and he says if i tell you that then you'll know!" and you laugh and say "okay then" then in the background you hear someone say "ashley! come over here sugar tits!" and ash laughs and says "sorry thats CC's hes drunk and you laugh and say "i figured" then CC keeps yelling at him in the background and ash says "i gotta go deal with him, ill call you tomorrow. And you reply "good idea, and okay bye" "bye hun" he says . And you guys hang up.

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