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CHANGE: its a word that elicits different response to those who hears it.  Those response may vary from apathy to extreme eagerness or in some, if not most, rebellious actions.  Most people say there is only one thing in this world that is permanent and that's CHANGE.  (Whether I or YOU believe it or not it does not matter. We cannot make something true, untrue, nor make untrue, true. We are just making fool of ourselves. )

Let us look at some of the changes that happened, is presently happening, and will happen from the list below.  These might or might not be considered by some to be an appropriate example of change:

1. Growth. eg. Infancy to adulthood, immature to mature, seed to plant, egg to .... (you got the picture)

2. Character. eg. Obedience to rebellion, sensitivity to being rude, respect and love to selfishness, and vise versa (if people could take hints.)

3. Environment. eg. Clean air and water to pollution, grassy land to tall skyscrapers, natural to plastic, and  undeveloped to develop.

4. Education. eg. Board and chalks to computer, Books to internet, in-person to e-learning, and others.

5. Technology. eg. Wood to stone, fire to electricity, folders to mico-chips, and paper and pen to tablets or phones.

6. Justice. eg. Defending the weak, poor, and marginalize. Now defending the highest payer, and for some, qouting: 'an eye for an eye'.

7. Lifestyle. eg. Conservative to nudity, simplicity to riches and wealth, and home cook to fastfoods.

These are just some, but we could add communication, and culture but I'll limit it. Like what I mentioned above it might be a good or a bad change depending on who's view.

Speaking of views why don't we look on the world's view vs. God's view on change:

1) perfection is important. To be accepted you have to be beautiful, having a gorgeous body, and perfect face, in short highly maintened. (It means if you look like a whale better look for a surgeon and schedule for a overpaid and dangerous surgery.)

2) lifestyle. In wearing clothes modesty was a priority, now fashion dictates which is in or not. Either on clothings, in what to eat, how to speak and how to look like. (Good luck with that. Why not create a robot who has a prettier version of you then let it do your work.)

3) Being straight forward is better than a filtering your words.  It doesn't matter if you hurt them as long as you voice out what you want them to hear.  What is important: YOU! were heard.  (Let the war begins........ It never ends.) We want to be heard but do not want to hear others.

4) Development. Sacrificing 'a bit' of the environment is needed for the advancement of a society.  As humans we have the mentality of saying: 'it was just a portion and not the whole!' That's actually good but if the entire society takes 'a bit'?   It's like looking at your best work taken away in small portions. (There might be left overs but would it still be beautiful and the same as before?) What we do today affects those who follows.

5) Justice: a person's mentality would think like this: 'it is when I see that person bleeding to death for his/her crime.'  In addition to that, True Justice only happens when I have gotten revenge.  (Why don't we just carry guns, knifes, blades, swords, arrows, and other weapons wherever we go.) That is justice today, we take the law in our hands because it is way faster.

1) Perfection.  Because God's work is perfect it means everything he created is perfect. Read Deut. 32:4 ("He is the Rock, his works are perfect, and all his ways are just. A faithful God who does no wrong, upright and just is he."). In addition we are also one of His creation and we are made perfect. Gen. 1:27 ("And God made man in his image, in the image of God he made him: male and female he made them."). Other than that He knows as more than we know ourselves (Psalm 139:14-15 "I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made; your works are wonderful, I know that full well. My frame was not hidden from you when I was made in the secret place. When I was woven together in the depths of the earth,"). Whatever the society say towards you, remember that someone greater made you perfect for his purpose.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 14, 2016 ⏰

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