Anybody else have an overpopulation of dogs and cats in your neighborhood? I do! Every singel neighbor of mine has dogs. The house to the right, 4 dogs, to the left, well they had 1 but they just left... Behind me has 2, and in front of me have 7, and then all their neighbors have neighbors... And about these cats... NOBODY HAS THEM! THEY JUST APPEAR! I'll go to my back yard and there will be like 3 or 4 cats back there. I think I am the only one who has no animals... I did have fish... I went to camp though and my grandma forgot to feed it and it died...
Speaking of camp... I'm disappointed that I didn't get to go this year! I absolutely loved camp last year... It would have started today... I on the other hand have other responsiblities called work... I have my lisences (I advice you to stay off the road) and so I have to have money for gas, insurance and money to just spend!
I just got back from the store... Walmart to be specific. In case some of yall don't know what that is, it's a place to shop. They have just about everything that isn't guarenteed to work! Walmart, Always Low Prices *incert emoji that does the snap and moves their arm across their body, you know what I mean right? They have one don't they?*
I hate Walmart. The crazy rule doesn't apply there, you know the crazy people come out at night? Yeah... during the day, they are at Walmart. Ever heard of the website the people of Walmart, Warning: You May Be Scarred For Life.
But anyways, I just had to get this off my mind. I know it is short... There will be a lot of these random short things... Talk to y'all when I have a lot of things or random things on my mind!