I hurried across the street under the fleeting siren and managed to get behind the wall before- KABOOM. The building exploded, throwing debris everywhere. It wasn't long before the police arrived, but by then I was long gone. That's when my life as an undercover agent began, and I did things that would lead me to my doom...
It all started with a simple visit to the aquarium. It was January, and very wet and cold. I was popping down town to start my shift when I noticed something odd in the jellyfish department. Suddenly, without hesitation twelve men burst in, machine guns blaring. I ducked in time before a bullet ricocheted off the wall and sprayed plaster and paint everywhere. One of the men fell out of the party into a storeroom. While he did this, the others made sure the room didn't look suspicious. As soon as they started a blood curdling shriek was heard. The man who went out came back in and fell. There was a box jellyfish clutching his head, its tentacles wrapped around his face. What you could see of his face was in pure agony. "Pity you had to die, Bernard," one of the men said, "you would have been useful." He turned his head in my direction and looked right at me in my eyes. "Well you can get up now. I've been watching you." I stood up and fully saw who was addressing me. He was tall, with dark brown eyes. He spoke with a deep soothing voice that made me feel calm and smoother any suspicion i had of him being 'the bad guy'.
What happened next confused me. Most of the men ambled purposefully into the storeroom but two stayed. One of them was the leader person who spoke to me. The other, being one of the normal soldier-type-men. The leader started to converse with me. "Hello, and what's your name?" he asked. "Why should I tell you?" "Because you trust me." I realised then that it would be stupid to act all clever and tough with these people. "Th' name's Jake," I answered, "Jake Butlers." I thought I should retain some of my cool-ness. "Well Jake, my name's Mal-" BAM! He toppled, and the soldier stood behind him holding a machine gun, butt down. "See you in hell kid!" he yelled, his american accent quite plain. He turned the gun round, clicked the safety to 'off' and sprayed bullets everywhere. In an instance, ten men ran in guns ablaze. The enemy collapsed, eighteen bullet holes in his scalp. "Excellent work boys," the leader commented, standing up. "Did you find it?" One of the soldiers replied, "No, it must have been taken." The tone of his voice went into disappointment at the end of his speaking. "What," the leader yelled," We have failed! Are you telling me the Bee has accessed it already! They might be trying to use it right now! Don't just stand there, get back to base!"
"Sorry you had to see that," he said to me, his voice quiet again, "My name's Malcolm and I'm the captain of an MI6 field scouting group. I think you've seen enough activity to become an agent. A secret agent." He raised his eyebrows and smiled at me. Thinking about it, a thought struck me. They couldn't just take me in without studying me first. There was only one way to find out. To ask. "I've found a flaw." I said with a smile. "You would have had to track me." "We didn't have to." "You lied!" A smile crept upon his face as, sighing happily, he said "Oh Jake, you would be a perfect agent." I'd done it again. I have this thing where I can tell if somebody is lying or telling the truth. "Well... I'm not going to join MI6 anyway." Malcolm frowned sighing, "You would have been great. But human rights would have us, so I guess you can choose without force..." "I'm still not going to join." I retorted, "But how am I going to fix this place." Scanning the room i noticed the scale of the damage. There were broken windows, the door was smashed and the counter was in several pieces. The drive back was a long and boring one. Malcolm drove a black mini with refurbished insides. It was hard to make conversation considering the circumstances. But, Malcolm tried. "So how long have you worked
Unfinished Works
RandomHere are some of the stories I tried to start, but never got very far with. Some of these were written a long time ago, when I was a lot younger, so don't expect it to be the best work of art. Otherwise, enjoy!