Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

School was a bore, as usual. The most boring subject is history; which is where I’m at right now. But today, we didn’t talk about the Declaration of Independence or anything like that. Today’s lesson was different…

“Okay class,” Mrs. Harden, my history teacher, said. “The date today is December 21st, 2012. Now, did this 2012 myth happen? No. If it did, China would already be destroyed. Alright? Now, back to the lesson about the Aztecs.”

The class groaned and I rolled my eyes. Then, I got tapped lightly on my right shoulder. I turned around and figured out who tapped me. Tyler Liner.

“Hi!” he said. He seemed like he was hyper.

“Hey!” I yelled in a whisper.

“What’s up, A.J.?” 

Now, before we go any further, I am a girl and my name is A.J. Everyone calls me that because my first name is Alyssa Jane. Two names for a first name, weird right? Anyway… 

“The ceiling,” I replied matter-of-factly.

“Ha ha,” he said sarcastically. “Actually…”

“Mr. Liner! Ms. Bicardi!” Mrs. Harden said while interrupting Tyler. “Is there something you would like to share with the entire class?”

“No ma’am,” Tyler replied instantly.

“Then pay attention,” she said bitterly. She went back to writing ont the white board.

“Well then,” I whispered to Tyler.

“Alyssa Jane Bicardi!” Mrs. Harden exclaimed while she slammed the marker down on her desk. “I’m tired of all of your unwanted talking in the class! You have a detention!”

“What?” I shouted.

Then Carson Haster jumped into the picture. “A.J never talks in class!” Carson yelled while standing up. 

“Mr. Carson Haster,” Mrs. Harden said. “You have earned yourself a detention!”

“Oh come on!” Tyler shouted. “You can’t give Haster a detention just for sticking up for A.J!”

“Oh my god,” I mumbled.

“Then would you like a detention too?” Mrs. Harden asked Tyler bitterly.

“Sure,” Tyler replied. “ I don’t care.”

“Okay then,” Mrs. Harden started. “ If we are done with this…”

Mrs. Harden stopped when she saw two of my good friends, Lisa Mariner and Chelsea Kine, stand up.

“Girls,” Mrs. Harden said to them, “please sit down.”

Chelsea and Lisa Just stood there with their arms crossed around their chests.

“Girls sit!” Mrs. Harden bellowed. No reply. “You girls have a detention too! Why are all of my best students getting detentions?” Then she went back to writing on the white board.

Tyler, Carson, Lisa, Chelsea, and I all exchanged glances. Then Tyler tapped my shoulder. “That’s what she gets when she messes with awesome people like us,” he said.

I rolled my eyes and groaned as I slammed my head down on my desk.

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