teenstafeed #2

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random thoughts#1

Isn't it ironical that we ignore the ones that love us and love the ones that ignore us? Well maybe it's just the domino effect, you fall for one and that one falls for the other. When we are surrounded by people, all we need is some alone time, but when circumstantially we are alone, we feel ignored or rejected. Well I guess that is it. Life is like that, full of ironies and surprises.

Like the first five years of our life we are taught how to speak and the next ten to fifteen years, we are required to be quiet!

The society says "be yourself" and then when we do, they go on judging us!

We were born to stand out and yet all our lives we try to fit in. Wow!!

Is that all? Is life really full of so many contradictions?

Well not actually, it is the way you live your life.

As it is wisely said,

Build your dreams or someone else will hire you to build theirs!

So today when you are free and alone, think, is this all I want? Are these really my goals?

Cause sometimes it's not the destination that matters; it's the process, so you have to learn to enjoy the process.

Destinations keep on changing; we are human beings, allowed to be greedy and selfish. So that way you might never achieve real happiness.

Then what should be done?

I guess you just have to wait and watch, but till then, smile when you go to work, laugh at your own mistakes .Be stupid, and be crazy.

Life's short, so you got to live it to survive it!

(And yeah sometimes spending alone time is important too, being with your own self, when you are not being judged or defined by someone! )

Hope you all liked this one , stay tuned for the next ones ! 

Hey do you sometimes too feel that there should be a phone number to call when you are lonely and have already bugged all your family and friends for the day , where it would connect you with another random caller for a chat ?

Yes or no ?  Let your opinions flow as comments below !




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